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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 309   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 309

Eighty three pounds of Tobacco being the ballance of the Afore-
goeing account, as also the sume of Thirteen hundred & Twelve
pounds of Tobacco Costs of Suite and the deft in Mercy &c:

23 November 1680
This is to signifie That I desire to have my Appearance entred
for Walter Davies at suit of Henry Mitchell in Appeale. And for
William Pike att suit of William Jones in an Accon of Trespasse
vpon the Case Witness my hand the day & yeer abovesaid.
Chr: Rousby
Witness: Tho Bland

To the Honoble the Justices of the Provinciall Court The humble
Peticon of Christopher Rousby One of the Attorny's of the said

That it hath pleased Almight God of late to visit yor Peticoner
with a Great fitt of sickness whereof he is not as yett recoured soe
yt hee hath not been able to stire out of his Chamber these ffive
weeke By reason whereof yor Peticonr is disabled in giveing his
psonall Attendance this prsent Court As otherwise in Duty he ought
to doe
Yor peticonr therefore humbly pray 's that yor Honors will please
to Consider of the prmisses And Graunt that the Causes & busines
of Court wherein yor Peticonr is Concerned may be Continued till
next Court
And yor Peticonr shall ever pray &c
Which being read & heard it is ordred by ye Court here this day
to witt the Twenty ffourth day of November in ye ffifth yeer of
the Dom of ye Rt honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Dm
1680 that all accons wherein the Peticonr is onely Concerned as At-
torny either for ye Pit or Deft bee and Continue vntill the next Court.

Liber W. C.

James Derumple & Mary
his wife Exx of Jno Clements

Edward Mann

Comand was given to the Sheriffe
of Talbot County that whereas
heretofore to witt three & Twenty-
eth day of ffebry Itt was Comanded
him that hee Should attach any the

p. 281

goods or Chattles of William Orchard and George Lewen of Poole
in the Kingdome of England Marchants if they should bee found in
his baliwick to the Vallue of Two hundred Sixty two pounds nine
shillings and Ten pence sterl. and when hee had the same Soe at-
tached or any part thereof the Same in his Custody to Keepe untill
the said William Orchard and George Lewen should by themselves
or their Attorney appeare here the Eleaventh day of May then Next
Ensueing. to Answere unto James Derumple and Mary his wife


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 309   View pdf image (33K)
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