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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 207

And the said George Yate by his Attorney aforesaid Saith That
the abovesd William Cromwell for the Reason before Alleadged,
the takeing and detaineing of the Grey Guelding aforesaid Justly
hee ought not to Avow, Because as aforesaid hee saith That the
gray Gelding aforesaid in the Declaracon aforesaid above specified
att the time of the takeing and Detaineing of the said gray Gelding
Were of the proper goods and Chattells of him the said Robert
Wilison, and unto the said George Yate by vertue of his Letters of
Admcon of the goods and Chattells of the said Robert Wilson of
Right belong and apptaine as hee hath Above Declared, And this
hee prayeth may bee Inquired of by the Country, and The plt Like-
Therefore Itt is Comanded the sheriffe of st Maryes County
That hee Cause to Come here Twelve &c by whome &c and Who
neither &c to Recognize &c Because aswell &c wch Jurors being Im-
pannelled and Called Came (to witt) Samll Raspin, Philip Lynes,
Randall Hanson, Jno Martindaile, Thomas Keeting, Edward Ward,
Daniell Clocker. Thomas Tillett, Jenkin Morgan Henry ffernley,
Thomas ffolkes, James Pattison, Who being Elected tryed and
sworne to say the truth in the premisses Upon their oathes doe say
That the Gray gelding aforesaid att the time of the takeing and De-
taineing the same was the proper goods and Chattells of the said
George Yate Admr of the said Robert Wilson, for Wch the said
George Yate his Damages by occasion of the takeing and Unjust
Detaineing of the grey gelding aforesaid against the said William
Cromwell ought to Recover, But because Itt is unknowne What
Damages, the foresaid George Yate hath sustained by that Occasion,
Therefore Itt is Ordered that a writt of Inquiry of Damages Issue
Returnable att the next Provinciall Court

May ye 12th 1680
This Court takeing into Consideration the miserable and dis-
tressed condition of Anne Williams Late Sarvant to Emanll Rat-
cliffe of this County, Doth Order That the Constable of st Georges
hundred, Doe & is hereby comanded and required to Carry the said
Ann Williams to the next County Court to be held in St Maryes
County that the Comissrs of ye sd County Court may allowe unto her
the sd Ann to bee paid yearely unto her such quantity or sume of tob.
for her maintinance and Releife as to the said Comission" shall
seeme meet and Convenient

Liber W. C.

To the Honoble The Justices of the Provinciall Court.
The Humble Peticon of Elizabeth Cannee
Humbly Sheweth
That yor Peticonr Peticoneing last Court for her freedome, by
virtue of a Receipt from Jno Lacompt sonne in Lawe to Marke

p. 185

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 207   View pdf image (33K)
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