208 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
Cordea, The said Receipt was by this Court Invallid, and the said
Marke was by Order of this Court debarred from takeing any
Advantage against your Peticoner for the time she absented her
self by Vertue of the said Receipt, and yor Peticonr Ordered to
serve the said Marke Cordea till the Expiration of her Indenture
W* yor Peticoner hath honestly performed, and ought to have beene
free the Sixth day of May Instant, as by the Order of this Court
Remaineing upon Record in the same Court & yor peticoners In-
dentures ready in Court to be produced may appeare Yet the said
Marke Cordea refuses to give Yor Peticoner a discharge or to pay
her, her freedome Corne and Clothes, Yor Peticoner Therefore
humbly Prayes an ordr of this Court against the Said Marke Cordea
for her ffreedome, ffreedome Corne and Cloathes, And that upon
Refusall of the said Marke to make payment thereof she may have
Execution for the same
And yor Peticoner shall Pray &c :
Wc hbeing Read and heard, and the aforesaid Marke Cordea being
here present in Court Itt is the Judgmt of the Court here this day,
to witt the 14th day of May in the fifth yeare of the Dominion of
the Rt honoble Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq? Dommi 1680
That the aforesaid Elizabeth Cannee is free, And Itt is Ordered that
the aforesaid Marke Cordea pay unto her the sd Elizabeth her free-
dome Corne and Cloathes
John Machen
William Chandler]
William Chandler gentl high sheriffe of the
Coun ty of Charles Cotuity was attached to
answere unto Jno Machen Marchant of a plea
of trcspas upon the Case
And whereupon the said Jno Machen by George Parker his At-
torney Complaineth That Whereas one John Sanders Late of Bris-
toll Marchant the Seaventh day of September in the yeare of our
Lord 1676, by his Certaine writeing obligatory was bound and
firmely obleiged unto the said John Machen in the Sume of ffoure
hundred pounds of Currant and Law full money of England, for
the true payment, of Two hundred pounds of like Lawfull money of
England, To bee paid unto the said Jno Machen or to his Exrs Admrs
or Assignes att or upon the Tenth day of Aprill then next ensueing
the date of the said bill obligatory, and for the true performance
thereof the said John Sanders did thereby binde himselfe his Ex-
ecuto" Admrs and assignes firmely by those prsents, As by the same
bill obligatory more plainely appeareth, wch said Two hundred
pounds the said John sanders did not pay unto him the said John
Machen on the said Tenth day of Aprill Wch att or upon the same
day hee ought to have paid, according to the fforme & Effect of the
same bill obligatory Although hee hath beene often thereunto Re-
quired Whereby an Accon Did accrue unto the said John Machen
to require and have of the aforesaid Jno Sanders ffoure hundred