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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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206 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.

Liber W. C.

of his death and to him the said George by Reason of the Adminis-
tracon aforesaid of Right belong, he tooke and unjustly Detained
against suretyes & Pledges &c
And Whereupon the said George Yate by George Parker his
Attorney sayth that Whereas the said William Cromwell upon the
one and twentyeth day of November in the third yeare of the
Dominion of the Rt honoble Charles Absolute Lord and Propry of
the Provinces of Maryland and Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c
Annoq Domini 1678 Att Patapsco in the County of Baltemore
•w force and Armes the goods and Chattells of him the said George
unto him the said George by reason of the Administracon aforesaid
of Right belong, To witt) one gray gelding Wch were of the prop
goods and chatties of the said Robert Wilson, hee tooke and un-
justly detained against Suretyes and pledges, In hinderance of the
Administracon aforesaid Whereupon hee saith hee is Damnified and
hath Losse to the Vallue of three thousand pounds of Tobacco, And
thereupon hee bringeth his Suite
And the said George Yate bringeth in Court his Letters of
Admion aforesaid Whereby Itt doth appeare to the Court here that
hee is Rightfull Adminis-

And the said William Cromwell by Robert Ridgely his Attorney

Cometh and Defendeth the force and Injury when &c and Prayeth
Liberty to impart hereunto untill next Provinciall Court and Itt
is granted unto him the same day is given to the plt alsoe
Now here att this day to witt the Thirteenth day of May in the
fifth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq
Domini 1680. Came the said partyes by theire Attornyes aforesaid
and the said William Cromwell by his said Attorney saith, That
hee the said William doth well Avow the takeing and Detaining of

p. 184

the grey Gelding aforesaid, and Justly Because hee Sayth that the
said Gray gelding was the pp gelding of Richard Mascall late of
Baltemore County deceased, and that the said Richard att the time
of his death was the true and Rightfull owner of the same Grey
gelding, and the said William after the death of the said Richard,
to witt the Six and twentyeth day of September 1679 had Admcon of
all and singuler the goods Rights and Creditts wch were of the said
Richard Mascall to him Comitted by the honoble Philip Calvert
Esqr Comissary genll and Judge for probate of wills and granting
Admcons win this Province of Maryland, and soe the said Grey
gelding to him the said William as Admr of the said Richard Mascall
doth of Right belong & appertaine, and therefore the takeing and
Detaineing of the grey gelding aforesaid hee the said William doth
well Avow, and Justly because hee is Admr of the said Richard
Mascall informe aforesaid, and the admcon to him granted upon the
Estate of the said Richard Mascall, the said Wm here in Court
pduceth, that Itt may appeare to the Court here that hee thereof hath
the Administracon

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1679-1680/1
Volume 69, Page 206   View pdf image (33K)
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