seale of him the said Thomas here in Court pduced whose date
is the same day and yeare Above Written, binde himself his heires
Executors Admrs and Assignes, the sume of foure thousand five
hundred and tenn pounds of good sound Marchantable Tobacco
according to the Act of Assembly to bee paid on the tenth day of
October next Ensueing or after on all Demands in the said County
of Baltemore Conveniently neare the water side wth Caske to Con-
taine the same, and to the true performance thereof, did thereunto
sett his hand and seale, Notwthstanding wch the said Thomas Hedge
the said sume of foure thousand five hundred and tenn pounds of
Tobacco to him the said John Peerce in his Life time hath not paid,
nor to the said John Peerce Since his Death Executor of the Last
will and Testament of the said Jno Peerce deceased according to the
Tenor of his said Obligation though often thereunto required, but
the same to pay hitherto hath and still denyes to pay to the Dam-
age of the said John the sume of Seaven thousand pounds of To-
bacco, & Thereupon hee bringeth his suit, And the said John Peerce
bringeth here in Court the Lesters Testamentary of the said Jno
Peerce deceased That Itt may appeare to the Court here that hee is
Exr of the Last will and Testament of the sd John & thereupon to
have Administracon
And the said Thomas Hedge by Robert Carvile his Attorney
Cometh & defendeth the force and Injury when &c And prayeth
Liberty to Imparle hereunto Untill next Provinciall Court, and Itt
is granted unto him The same day is Given to both partyes
Liber W. C.
Now here att this day to witt the Thirteenth day of May in the
ffifth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq?
Dommi 1680 Came the said partyes by theire Attorneys aforesaid
and the said Thomas Hedge by his said Attorney saith That hee
Cannot gainsay the aforesaid accon of the said John Peerce for
that hee hath not paid to the said Jno Peerce the said sume of ffoure
thousand five hundred and tenn pounds of Tob: in discharge of
the said Recited Writeing Obligatory According to the forme and
effect thereof, Therefore Itt is Considered by the Court here That
the said John Peerce Recover against the said Thomas Hedge, The
aforesd Debt of ffoure thousand five hundred and Tenn pounds of
Tobacco, & alsoe ffive hundred and Twenty pounds of Tobacco
Costs of suite Soe that Execution thereof Cease untill the Tenth
day of October next, And the said Thomas Hedge in Mercy &c
p. 183