day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1677 and the tenth day of
May 1679 stood indebted to the said Robert for Tobacco paid for
the account & by the order of the said George, & goods sould and
delivered by the said George, & ffor Attorneys ffees in seaverall
Causes in the said Court, the sume of Eight thousand seaven hun-
dred pounds of tobacco, a pticuler of wch tobaccoes paid, and goods
sould and of the seavll accons the said Robert was Attorney in
ffor the said George, is by the said Robert herein Court produced,
In consideracon the said George did assume upon himselfe & to the
said Robert did ffaithfully promisse, that hee the said George, the
Said Robert the said sume of Eight thousand seaven hundred
pounds of tobacco to him the said Rober[t] when thereunto Re-
quired would well and truly content and pay, And although the said
Liber W. C.
George him the said Robert, Eighteen hundred pound pounds [sic]
of tobacco part of the said Eight thousand seaven hundred pounds
of tobacco hath paid, Yet as to six thousand nine hundred pounds
of tobacco Residue of the said Eight thousand seaven hundred
pounds of tobacco hee the said George his pomisse & assumption soe
as aforesaid made not Reguarding but deviseing and fraudulently
intending him the said Robert of the said six thousand nine hundred
pounds of tobacco to deceive & defraude, the said six thousand nine
hundred pounds of tobacco to him the said Robert although often
thereunto Required according to his promise hath not paid, but the
same to pay hath denyed and as yet doth denye to the Damage of
the said Robert Tenn Thousand pounds of Tobacco, & thereupon hee
bringeth his suite
And the said George Oldfeild by Kenelme Cheseldyne his Attorny
cometh and defendeth the fforce and injury when &c, & prayeth
liberty to imparle hereunto untill next provinciall Court and itt is
granted unto him, the same day is given to the ph also
Now here att this day (to witt) the eighteenth day of ffebruary
in the ffifth yeare of the Dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1679 came the said Robert Ridgely in
his pp pson as aforesaid and Offered himselfe against the said
George Oldfeild in the plea aforesaid but the said George Oldfeild
came not but made Default, Therefore Itt is considered that the
said Robert Ridgely Recover against the said George Oldfeild aswell
the sume of six thousand nine hundred pounds of tobacco debt afore-
said, as also six hundred and Eleaven pounds of Tobacco costs of
suite, And the Defendt in mercy &c
ffebry 13th 1679
Allowed unto Wm Wrought, John Smith, Jno Bowling George
Lingham, Samuel Copland, Wm Hale, Saml Taillor, Peter Archer,
Ann Chittam & Margarett Harborowe, for comeing going & attend-
ance to testifie for Richard Marsham agt Wm Collins, to each of them
two hundred & forty pounds of tobacco.
p. 138