152 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C.
perches, and by a Line drawne south south west from the end of
the south east Line two hundred and twenty perches to a marked
Oake by a Runn & by a Line drawne east south east ffrom the said
Oake by the Runn three hundred and twenty perches to a marked
Oake On the south by a Line drawne west south west from the said
Oake One hundred perches to a marked Oake on the west by a
line drawne north north east from the last mentioned Oake, three
hundred and twenty perches unto a marked white Oake, and ffrom
the last named white Oake One hundred perches Drawne north north
west unto the first marked Oake by Manings Line on the north by
Manings Line Containing by Estimacon ffoure hundred acres more
or Jesse, wth the appurtenances, And that unto the said Timothy
p. 137
belongeth one moyety of the parcell of Land aforesaid with the
appurtenances, and unto the said John belongeth the other moyety
thereof wth the appurtenances each to hold the moyety aforesaid in
seaveralty, soe that the said Timothy of the One moyety thereof wth
the appurtenances may appropriate himselfe the same John particon
thereof between them to bee made according to Law gainsayeth
and unjustly will not suffer the same to bee done, Whereupon the
said Timothy sayth hee is the worse and hath damage to the vallue
of twenty thousand pounds of tobacco and thereupon hee produceth
his suite
And the said John Pitt by Charles Boteler his Attorney Cometh &
defende[th] the fforce and Injury when &c and prayeth Libertie to
imparle hereunto untill next provinciall Court and itt is Granted
unto him, the same da[y] is given to the plt alsoe
Now here att this day to witt the Eighteenth day of ffebruary in
the ffifth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c
Annoq Dominj 1679 Came the said parties by theire Attorneys
aforesaid And the said John Pitt by his said Attorney saith nothing
why particon of the Lands aforesaid should not bee made, There-
fore itt is Considered, that a particon of the aforesaid ffoure hun-
dred acres of Land called Westmerland bee made according to
Law, and that his Lordshipps Writt of particon issue fforth of this
Court to bee Directed to the sheriffe of Talbott County where the
aforesaid parcell of land lyeth, thereby comanding & imp[ow]ering
him to make particon thereof accordingly Returneable to the next
provinciall Court
Robert Ridgely
George Oldfeildj
George Oldfeild late of Cecill County gentl was
attached to answere unto Robert Ridgely gentl one
of the Attorneys of this Court according to the
liberties and privilidges to such like Attorney and
other officers of the said Court & allowed of a plea oi trespas upon
the case
And whereupon the said Robert Ridgely in his pp pson com-
plaineth, that whereas the said George Oldfeild between the ffirst