136 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80.
Liber W. C. Thomas Lomax
Gerrard Slye
Att a Provinciall Court held att st Maryes the
Eighteenth day of ffebruary in the ffifth yeare of
the Dominion of the Rtt Honoble Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj 1679. By his Lopps
p. 122
Justices thereunto assigned
Came Thomas Lomax by Robert Carvile his Attorney And James
Green by Christopher Rousby his Attorney, but because itt appeareth
to the Court here that this accon of Ejectment is comenced by the said
Thomas as Lessee to Jno Coode and Susanna his wife late wife of
Robert Slye decd, and mother and Guardian of Elizabeth Slye and
ffranees Slye the daughters of the said Robert Slye in right of the
said Elizabeth and ffranees against James Green casuall Ejector,
and the said Gerrard Slye being named Deft instead of the casuall
Ejector to trye the title to ffive hundred acres of land called Rich
neck lyeing in st Maryes County betweene Mattapany and Bushwood
now in the tenure and posession of the said Gerrard Slye or his
assignes, And the Court ffinding it necessary that the due lines &
bounds of Llic :ciiJ pciitcll uf Land bcc Surveyed and laid out by
some skilfull person according to the originall survey thereof and
that a ffaire plott and Certificate thereof bee returned to the next
provinciall Court
Itt is this day Ordered that John Manley gentl bee and is hereby
especially appointed impowered and comanded to lay out the afore-
said parcell of Land according to the ancient meets and bounds
thereof, In the prsence of the sheriffe of st Maryes County aforesaid,
Who is hereby comanded and impowered to sumon & impannell a
Jury of twelve good Lawfull and honest men of the neighbourhood
to goe upon the said land And to sumon and Examine Witnesses
upon oath that the truth of the matter may bee ffully discovered,
And the said John Manley is hereby ordered to Runn the Lines
according to the Evidence then to bee given and the direccons of the
Jury, and to returne a Certifficate of his proceedings herein & a faire
plott of the Land in question to the next Provinciall Court to bee
held att st Maryes the Eleaventh day of May. Attested as well under
the hand and seale of the said John Manley as of the sheriffe and
Jurors aforesaid, that his Lordspps Justices being ffully informed of
the truth of the premisses, may doe therein as to Justice shall
Wm Sparkes"
Philip Lines
Att a provinciall Court held att st Maryes
Ejectmt the fourteenth day of ffebruary in the ffifth
yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Dominj One thousand
six hundred Seaventy nine Before his Lordspps Justices thereunto
assigned and William Sparkes by Robert Ridgely his Attorney, and
PhilipLynes by Christopher Rousby his Attorney, and this Cause
standing at issue ready ffor tryall this present Court, But because