itt appeareth to the Court here that [the s]ame is an accon of Eject-
ment, one that it is comenced by the said William as Lessee to Henry
Hardy agt Wm Harbert casuall Ejector And the said Phillip Lines
who is the party concerned haveing named himselfe Defendt instead
of the casuall Ejector, to try the title to One hundred and ffifty acres
of Land called Hardyes purchase, lyeing in Charles County and lately
in the tenure and occupacon of Thomas Peircy deceased, And being
now in dispute betweene the said Henry Hardy & Philip Lines, the
Court pceiveing the said one hundred and ffifty acres of land now in
question is parcell of a tract of land fformerly surveyed for ffrancis
Posey and John Berlaines planters containing ffoure hundred and
Liber W. C.
ffifty acres And lately in the tenure and occupacon of Richard Wat-
son deceased, under whome the plts Lessor Claymeth, And ffor that
the Defendt Lines claymeth part of the said one hundred and ffifty
acres as parcell of a parcell of land fformerly Surveyed ffor Thomas
Batchelor containing ffoure hundred & ffifty acres called stump Dale,
The Court doe finde it absolutely necessary, that the said two parcells
of Land called Watsons Land and stump Dale bee surveyed and laid
out by some skilfull pson according to the originall survey thereof,
by the Direccon of the neighbourhood that are most Knowing in
the ancient meets and bounds of the same two parcells of Land,
thereby the better to ffinde out the true bounds of the Land in ques-
tion, and that ffaire plotts and Certifficates of both the same parcells
of Land be returned to the next Provinciall Court, soe that upon
pusall & viewing thereof and hearing of what can be said of both
sides the Court may doe therein what to Justice apptaines. Itt is
by the Court this Day ordered that Randolph Brandt gentl bee and
is hereby especially appointed impowered and comanded to lay out
the aforesaid two parcells of Land according to the ancient meets
and bounds thereof in the prsence of the sheriffe of Charles County
aforesaid, who is hereby comanded and impowered to sumon and
impannell a Jury of twelve good Lawfull and honest men of the
neighbourhood to goe upon the said land and to sumon and examine
Witnesses upon oath that the truth of the matter may bee ffully
discovered, And the said Randolph Brandt is hereby ordered to runn
the Lines according to the Evidence there to bee given and the Direc-
cons of the Jury, and to returne Certifficates of his pceedings herein,
and ffaire plotts of the Lands in question to the next Provinciall Court
to bee held att st Maryes the Eleaventh day of May next attested
aswell under the hand and seale of the said Randolph Brandt, as of
the sheriffe and Jurors aforesaid, that his Lordshipps Justices being
ffully informed of the truth of the premisses may doe therein as
to Justice shall apptaine
p. 123