Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679/80. 135
Chesyldyne his Attorney on the behalfe of the Lessor Michael Miller
prayed that Judgmt might bee Awarded by default and also his Lopps
writt to cause him to have posession of the premisses, And itt is
granted unto him accordingly
Liber W. C.
Justinian Gerrard
Vincent MansfeildJ
Att a Provinciall Court held att st
Ejectmt Maryes the Eighteenth day of ffebru-
ary in the ffifth yeare of the Dominion
of Charles Ld Baltemore &c Annooj
Dominj One thousand six hundred Seaventy nine before his Lopps
Justices thereunto assigned
Came Justinian Gerrard by Nehemiah Blackiston his Attorney,
and this cause standing att issue ready for tryall this present Court,
But because it appeareth to the Court here that the same is an accon
of Ejectment, and that it is comenced by the said Justinian as Lessee
of John Coode, against Thomas Lomax casuall Ejector and the
said Vincent Mansfeild being named Defendt instead of the casuall
Ejector to trye the title to a parcell of Land now in the tenure and
posession of the said Vincent Mansfeild or his assignes containing
one hundred acres, lyeing in st Maryes County and parcell of St Clem-
ents Mannour called Pursymon Pointe and being now in dispute
betweene the said John Coode and Vincent Mansfeild And the Court
ffinding it necessary that the due lines and bounds of the said parcell
of land bee Surveyed and laid out by some skilfull pson according
to the Originall Survey thereof by the direccon of the Neighbour-
hood that are most Knowing thereof, and that a ffaire plott and
Certifficate thereof bee returned to the next Provall Court soe that
Justice may bee done to both partyes, Itt is by the Court this day
ordered that John Manley gentt. bee and is hereby especially ap-
pointed impowered and comanded to lay out the aforesaid parcell of
Land according to the ancient meets and bounds thereof in the
presence of the sheriffe of st Marys County aforesaid Who is hereby
comanded and impowered to sumon & impannell & Jury of twelve
good law full and honest men of the neighbourhood to goe upon
the said Land, And to sumon and Examine Witnesses upon Oath
that the truth of the matter may bee ffully discovered And the said
Jno Manley is hereby comanded to runn the Lines according to the
Evidence then to bee given & the direccon of the Jury, and to returne
a Certifficate of his proceedings herein and a ffaire plott of the Lands
in question to the next Prova11 Court to bee held att st Maryes the
Eleaventh day of May next attested aswell under the hand and seale
of the said John Mauley as of the Sheriffe and Jurors aforesaid,
that soe his Lordspps Justices being ffully informed of the truth of
the prmisses may doe therein as to Justice shall apptaine