Liber W. C.
with all houses Edifices and other appurtenances thereunto belonging,
wch Michaell Miller of the said County to him the said John Wade
for a terme of yeares yett to come and unexpired had devised hee
entered, and him the said John from the same aforesaid did eject
and other harmes to him did to the greate damage of the said John
& against the peace &ca.
And Whereupon the said John by Keneline Cheseldyn his At-
torney sayth that whereas the said Michael Miller the twentieth day
of June in the yeare of our Lord one thousand six hundred seaventy
nine in Kent County aforesd did devise to the said John Wade, all
that tract of Land or plantacon wth all houses Edifices and other
appurtenances to the same belonging called Parkers rest lyeing and
being in Kent County aforesaid & Containing the quantity of ffifty
acres, to hold the said tract of land or plantacon wth all and singuler
its appurtenances to the same belonging to the said John Wade and
his assignes ffrom the said twentieth day of June in the yeare afore-
said ffor and dureing the terme and space of three yeares then next
ensueing ffully to bee compleated and Ended, by vertue of wcn demise
the said John Wade did Enter unto the said tract of land or planta-
con wth the appurtenances and was thereof posessed, And being soe
thereof posessed the said Thomas Lomax afterwards, that is to say
upon the ffoure and twentieth day of July in the yeare of our Lord
1679 into the tract of Land or Plantacon wth the appurtenances wch
the said Michael Miller aforesaid to him the said John Wade had
demised for a terme wch is not yet past entred, and him the said
John Wade ffrom the said Tract of land or Plantacon wth the ap-
purtenances did eject and other harmes to him the said John Wade
did, to the greate damage of the said John and against the peace &c
whereupon the said John saith hee is damnified tenn thousand
pounds of tobacco And thereupon hee bringeth his suite. Unlesse
the tennant in posession, or they under whome hee claimeth by the
next Provinciall Court appeare to this Declaracon and make him or
themselves Defts thereunto and by Rule of Court confesse the lease
entry and ouster and insist onely upon the title, the Defendts in this
Declaracon will confesse Judgment, and posession will bee delivered
accordingly to the plantiffe
To George Tankersley the tennt in posession of the prmisses
Now here att this day to witt the eleaventh day of ffebruary in the
ffifth yeare of the dominion of the Right honoble Charles Lord Balte-
more &c Annoq Dominj One thousand six hundred Seaventy nine
came Benjamin Randall of Kent County Gentl and made oth that
there is not any tennant in posession of the aforesaid parcell of land
called Parkers rest, and that hee left a true Coppy of the aforesaid