Liber N N
sume of two Thousand six hundred & ninety pounds of tobacco
which from him they unjustly detaine
And whereupon the said John Paty by Kenelm Cheseldyn his
Attorney saith, that whereas the said Henry Hull in his life tyme
the seventeenth day of May in the yeare of our Lord One thousand
six hundred seventy five did by his certaine writeing obligatory
Sealed with the Seale of the said Henry here in Court produced
whose date is the same day & yeare above written, did binde him-
selfe to pay or cause to be paid unto John Paty of Dublin Carpenter
of the good Shipp caled Dublin Mrchant he his heyres Execrs or
assignes the just & full Sume of two thousand Six hundred & ninety
pounds of good sound Mrchantable tobacco in cask att some con-
venient place of St Georges Hundred att or upon the first of Novem-
ber after the date of these prsents, for which payment well & truely
to be made & done he did binde himself his Execrs Admrs or
assignes firmly by those prsents Notwithstanding which the said
Henry Hull in his life tyme though often thereunto required the
said sume of two thousand six hundred & ninety pounds of tobacco
according to the tenor of his said writeing obligatory hath not paid
to him the said John Paty nor the said Thomas Dent Execr of the
last Will & testament of the said Henry in his life tyme, nor the said
John & Rebeccah since his death Execx of the last Will & Testamt
of the said Thomas Dent hath not paid but the same to pay hitherto
hath & still doth deny to pay to the damage of the said John Paty
the sume of foure thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bring-
eth his suite
And the said John & Rebeccah by Robert Ridgely their Attorney
come & defend the force & injury when &c and say, that they have
nothing to say in barr or avoidance of the action aforesaid of him
the said John Paty, whereby the said John Paty remaineth agt the
said John & Rebecca thereof wholy undefended Therefore itt is con-
sidered by the Court here that the said John Paty recover against
the Estate of the said Henry Hull as well the Sume of two thousand
six hundred & ninety pounds of tobacco debt As also
pounds of tobacco costs of suite And the Defend" in mercy And
hereupon this day to witt the Sixteenth day of October in the third
yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni
1678. the said John Paty by his Attorney aforesaid chooseth to be
deliuered unto him all the Goods and Chattells of the said Henry
Hull besides his Oxen & beasts of his plow And likewise the moiety
of all his lands & tenemts To hold to him the said John Paty the
Goods & Chattells aforesaid as his own Goods & Chattells And also to
hold the moiety aforesaid as his ffreehold to him & his assignes
according to the forme of the Statute in that case made and provided
untill the debt & costs aforesaid be therefore Levyed, & to him itt
is granted