Octobr 11th 1678.
Then Benjamin Rozer Esqr as Attorney of Dominick Bodkin &
Redmond ffitzgerarld acknowledged satisfaction of two judgemts
obtained agt John ffaning the fourth day of Octobr Anno Doni 1677
One thereof obtained by the said Dominick agt the said John ffaning
for three thousand nine hundred fifty foure pounds of tobacco debt
with Seven hundred twenty three pounds of tobacco costs of suite
The other judgemt obtained by the said Dominick Bodkin & Red-
mond ffitzgerald agt the said John ffaning for ffiue thousand six
hundred & Eighteen pounds of tobacco debt together with Seven
hundred twenty three pounds of tobacco costs of suite
Octobr IIth 1678.
Then Capt Gerard Slye acknowledged satisfaction of a judgemt
obtained by him agt Benja Rozer Esqr the six & twentieth day of
April Anno Doni 1677 for One hundred seventy seven pounds stert
with One thousand & twelve pounds of tobacco costs of suite