Whereas complaint was made to this Court this day to witt the
ffifteenth day of October in the third yeare of the Dominion of
Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1678 by George Parker
gentl Attorney for John Machen plaintiffe against John Saunders
defendt that the said John Sannders by order of this Court was
remanded to the Sheriffe of Charles County there to lye in prison
untill he putt in special bayle to the plaintiffes accon in a plea of debt
of ffoure hundred hundred pounds sterl And for as much as since
the said order the said Saunders hath made an Escape & is fled away
out of this Province into Virginia or some other remote parts so
that he cannot be found by the said Sheriffe to be taken into custody
And itt not being known whether the said Sheriffe be chargeable
with the Escape aforesaid And the said Sannders haveing left in
the said County a psonall Estate which may be imbezilled to the
defeating the said Machen of his debt Itt was therefore prayed that
the Sheriffe of Charles County doe take & seize into his hands such
& so much of the Estate of the said Saunders as are within his baily-
wick, & the same to keep in his hands till this Court take other order
therein, which this Court doth order accordingly
Whereas att a Provinciall Court held att St Maryes this instant
April judgemt did passe agt Thomas Binkes of Calvert County for
the Suine of foure thousand six hundred & odd pounds of tobacco
att the suite of the right Honble the Lord Propry And whereas the
said Thomas Binkes hath humbly besought me that Execucon might
not yet issue out for the same for divers reasons & consideracons
which he hath alleadged These are therefore to will & require you
Wm Calvert Esqr Secretary of this Province that you doe not suffer
Execucon to passe out of your Office for the same untill further
order from me Given under my hand this Nineteenth day of April
in the third yeare of the Dominion of the right Honble Charles &c
over this Province Annoq Doni 1678
To the Honble Wm Calvert Esqr Secry Thoma Notley
of this Province of Maryland
To the Honble Thomas Notley Esqr chiefe Governor of
The humble peticon of Thomas Binkes
That the Attorney Genll on behalfe of the Lord Propry exhibitted
to the Provinciall Court in ffebruary last a certaine Informacon
against your Peticonr for concealing & detaining (as was alleadged)
several Goods formerly belonging to Wm Davis deceased, whereupon
judgemt passt against your peticonr & ordered a writt of Enquiry
of damages; the Jurors found for the Propry foure thousand six
hundred & Eighty pounds of tobacco damages And two thousand