68 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678.
Liber N N
Wm Crosse
Henry Parker
The Sheriffe of Talbot County haveing returned a
cepi in this cause, & neither plaintiffe nor Defendt
appearing, this cause dismissed
John Burdett
Tho: Peighen
Comand was given to the Sheriffe of Kent County
that he Attach any the Goods or Chattells of Thomas
Peighen if they should be found in his bailywick to
the Value of Twenty six pounds thirteen shillings &
foure pence sterT, And when he had the same so Attached or any
part thereof of the same in his custody to keep untill the said Thomas
Peighen should by himsefe or his Attorney appeare here the Eighth
day of October in the third yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1678. to Answer unto John Burdett in a
plea of trespas upon the case Att which said Eighth day of October
in the yeare aforesaid the same Sheriffe maketh returne of the writt
aforesaid that he hath Attached in the hands of Henry Hosier the
Sume of one thousand & Sixty pounds of tobacco due to Thomas
Peighten from the said Smith by judgemt Whereupon the said John
Burdett by Robert Ridgely his Attorney prayeth that the said Suine
of One thousand & Sixty pounds of tobacco might be condemned
unto him & itt is granted by the Court here, the said John Burdett
giveing security according to Act of Assembly in that case made &
John Harvey
Ralph Shaw
The Defendt by Christopher Rousby his Attorney ap-
pear & imparles untill next Court
Tho: ff rancis
Tho: Sparow & at
Upon mocon made unto this Court by George
Parker Attorney for the Defendts that no costs
of suite might be allowed to the Complt upon
a Decree in Chancery obtained by the Complt
against the Defendts in June Court last, because the Complt through
his own neglect had not a Deed of Conveyance of the land then in
question from the Defendt Sparrow in his life tyme Ordered that
no costs be allowed thereupon
p. 738 Mary Clements Exx
John Clements
George Lewen &
Wm Orchard
George Lewen
Mary Clements Exx
John Clements
These two actions abate, Mary Clements
being intermarryed