Liber N N
you untill the accompts be fully stated by you And you are hereby
further impowered & appointed to Administer Oaths to any witt-
nesses that shall be produced before you as well on the part of the
plaintiffe as on the part of the Defendt And the said Accompts when
audited & stated between the said parties, that you the said Auditors
make report thereof unto our Justices att our next Provinciall Court
to be held att att St Maryes the Eighth day of October next under
your hands & Seales And for yor proceedings herein this shall be
yor Warrant Wittnes our trusty & welbeloved Thomas Notley Esqs
our Lievtenant Genll & chiefe Justice of our said Province the
Eighteenth day of June in the third yeare of our Dominion &c An-
nooq Doni 1678 By vertue of which writt wee the said Samuel Bourne
& Richard Ladd haveing taken upon us the charge of the said audite,
did by vertue of a warrant by us directed corhand the said parties
their Substitutes & Attorneys to meet att the house of John Maning
upon the Gifts upon the second day of September which accordingly
they did, but the said John Atkey pretending to want severall Witt-
P. 736
nesses on his behalfe Prayed further tyme to produce them, Where-
upon wee the said Samuell Bourne & Richard Ladd adjourned till
the Twenty seventh day of September following att the house of
John Hance upon the Clifts, where as well we the said Samuel
Bourne & Richard Ladd as the said John Atkey and his Attorney
As also the said Robert Edmonds & his Attorney did there meet
accordingly And haveing produced for evidences John Giatt, Jane
Todd, Henry Todd, Edward Husbands, Wm ffreeland & Wm Tailler
whose deposicoris are hereunto annexed Upon the consideracon
whereof & upon View of the accompts & hearing the pleadings of
both parties have stated the accompt currant as followeth Vizt
John Atkey Dr to Robt Edmonds lb tob