Liber N N
suance whereof we the said Auditors formerly under our hands &
Seales did order the severall parties above menconed as likewise their
Attorneys to meet & appeare before us att the house of Mr Richard
Keene in Petuxent River upon the twenty seventh day of August
last past Att which tyme & place aforesaid came before us Mr Chris-
topher Rousby Attorney for the plaintiffe Mr Robert Carville At-
torney for the Defendt And upon the request of the said Robert
Carvile & affirmacon to us that Mr Robert Ridgely is principally con-
cerned for John Edmondson & who hath all his papers of concernes,
is altogether unable all this tyme to appeare before us by reason of
sicknes And that the said Robert Carvile cannot proceed without
much prejudice to his Clyent, wee thought fitt & convenient to Ad-
journe the Auditeing & stateing of the said accompts untill this
prsent day being the fifth day of October Att which tyme we for-
merly ordered the said parties to appeare as by a writeing under our
p. 734
Hands & Seales hereunto annexed more att large appeth And this
day came before us Mr Christopher Rousby Attorney for the plain-
tiffe And Mr Robert Ridgely Attorney for the Defendt And whereas
the said Thomas Legg chargeth the said John Edmondson with
severall Goods & Mrchandizes amounting to the just Sume of One
hundred & forty foure pounds sterling which the said Edmondson
acknowledged to have received & to have disposed of them to sev-
erall persons for the use of the said Thomas Legg And the said John
Edmondson in discharge of the said debt exhibitteth an accompt
to us which is hereunto annexed, to the particulers of which accompt
we report as followeth Vizt Imprs as to three hogsheads of tobacco
Shipped in the Shipp Joseph & Benjamin of London as p bill of
lacking weighing neat thirteen hundred & ffifty pounds of tobacco we
think fitt to allow As to One thousand pounds of tobacco paid for
storeidge itt appeares not to us paid for storeidge of the said Leggs
Goods, therefore we thinke fitt to allow only five hundred pounds
of tobacco for storeidge of the said Goods As to twenty five hogs-
heads of tobacco Shipped in the ffrances of London as p bill of lade-
ing weighing neat Nine thousand two hundred thirty three pounds
of tobacco we thinke fitt to allow But as to ffourteen hogsheads of
tobacco left in the Countrey weighing neat ffive thousand one hun-
dred forty eight pounds of tobacco we thinke not fitt to be allowed
to the said Edmondson or reasonable that they should discharge any
part of this debt, by reason that itt appeares not to us that the said
fourteen hogsheads of tobacco aforesaid was the proper tobacco of
the produce of the said Goods or any part of them, And as to fforty
foure pounds of tobacco in the accompt menconed itt appeareth not
to us how the same came due And as for ffifteen pounds of tobacco
p Cent for Sallery we think fitt to allow tenn pounds of tobacco
p Cent which come to Nineteen hundred Seaventy & five pounds of
tobacco And whereas John Edmondson alleadgeth that he allowed