Liber N N
detaine & keep for foure dayes that is to say from the said Twenty
fourth day of October in the morning of the same day till the
twenty seventh day of the same October, att which tyme the said
Robert Purrington had agreed with his said Creditors att whose
severall suites he was so Arrested, but before the said Thomas Wynne
Deputy or UnderSheriffe as aforesaid would permitt or suffer the
said Robert Purrington to goe att large or him release he caused
the said Robert upon the twenty seventh day of Octobr aforesaid at
the house of Richard Chillman in St Maryes City aforesaid to Seale
signe & as his Act & Deed to deliver a bill to him the said Thomas
Wynne for the use of Gerard Sly Sheriffe of St Maryes County
aforesaid in whose name the same was taken for the payment of
Twelve hundred & Sixty pounds of tobacco for the ffees of the
severall Arrests Imprisonments & attendance upon the said Robert
And also to pay unto the said Richard Chillman the sume of ffoure
hundred pounds of tobacco for the Accomodacon of the Thomas
Wynne & Robert Purington for the said foure dayes, which said
twelve hundred & Sixty pounds of tobacco due upon the bill afore-
said the said Robert Purington hath paid & satisfied to the order
of the said Thomas Wynne, whereby the said Thomas Wynne by
colour of his Office of UnderSheriffe as aforesaid had extorted from
the said Robert Purington above the rate of Thirty five pounds of
tobacco for serveing the severall writts aforesaid & twenty pounds
of tobacco p day for tending on a Prisoner contrary to the forme
of the said Act of Assembly Whereupon the said Robert Purington
who as well for the Lord Propry as for himselfe in this behalfe
prosecuteth prayeth the advice of the Court herein the prmisses,
And that the said said Thomas Wynne may forfeit the said sume of
Six thousands pounds of tobacco or forty pounds sterling for his said
offence against the forme of the Act aforesaid And that the said
Robert who as well for the Lord Propry as himselfe prosecuteth may
have the moiety of the said forfeiture & his treble damages to him
the said Robert to be adjudged according to the forme & effect of the
Act of Assembly aforesaid And that the said Thomas Wynne
now here prsent in Court may Answer the prmisses.