Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678. 41
& Eighty pounds of Tobacco And the said Robert doth crave that
the moiety of the forfeiture aforesaid may be to him adjudged for
prosecuting the said Thomas Wynne upon breach of the Act afore-
said, & itt is granted unto him Therefore itt is considered by the
Court here that the said Robert Purrington doe recover against the
said Thomas Wynne the sume of three thousand pounds of tobacco
or twenty pounds sterling being the moiety of the forfeiture afore-
said, together with five hundred & forty pounds of tobacco costs of
suite And the said Thomas Wynne in mercy &c
Liber N N
Wm Dare Admr"
John Parker
John Nuthall
John Nuthall late of Calvert County planter other-
wise called John Nuthall of St Maryes County
was Sumoned to Answer unto Wm Dare Admr of
all & singuler the Goods Chattells rights & Creditts
which were of John Parker deceased of a plea that
that he render unto him the Sume of ffifteen thousand two hundred &
fourteen pounds of Mrchantable tobacco & cask which from him he
unjustly detaineth
And whereupon the said Wm Dare by Robert Ridgely his Attor-
ney saith, that whereas the said John Nuthall the tenth day of June
One thousand six hundred & Seventy by his certaine writeing obliga-
tory sealed with the Seale of the said John Nuthall & here in Court
produced whose date is the day & yeare aforesaid, did binde himselfe
his heyres Exrs Admrs & assignes in the penall sume of ffifteen thou-
sand two hundred & fourteen pounds of tobacco & cask for a Valuable
consideracon by him the said John Nuthall in hand allready received
to pay or cause to be paid unto the said John Parker English Mrchant
his heyres or assignes the neat quantity of Seven thousand Six hun-
dred & Seven pounds of the like Mrchantable tobacco & cask To which
payment well & truely to be made att some convenient place in
St Maryes County att or before the tenth day of October next ensue-
ing the date of the same writeing obligatory the said John Nuthall
did binde himselfe his heyres Exrs Admrs or assignes Yet the afore-
said John Nuthall the aforesaid Sume of Seven thousand Six hun-
dred & seven pounds of tobacco to him the said John Parker in his
life tyme, nor to the said William since his death to whom Adminis-
tracon of all & singuler the Goods Chattels rights and Creditts which
were of the said John Parker in his life tyme since his death hath
bin comitted according to the tenour of his said writeing obligatory
although often thereunto required Hath not paid, but the same to
pay hath denyed & as yet doth deny, by reason whereof action hath
accrued to the said Wm as Admr of the said John to require & have
of the said John Nuthall the said penall sume of ffifteen thousand
two hundred & fourteen pounds of tobacco according to the tenor
of the writeing obligatory aforesaid And thereupon he bringeth his
suite~And the aforesaid Wm Dare bringeth into Court here the
Letters of Admcon to him granted upon the Estate of the said John
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