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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 39   View pdf image (33K)
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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678. 39

then by the said Act is allowed to the severall Officers thereafter
menconed And amongst other Officers ffees therein menconed &
sett down itt is menconed To the Sheriffe for serving any writt or
warrant p head & bayle bond thirty & five pounds of tobacco, For
tending upon a Prisoner p day of twenty foure houres in custody
twenty pounds of tobacco, For collecting publick dutyes tenn pounds
of tobacco p Cent, for serving an Execucon or Attachmt tenn pounds
of tobacco If the Execucon be for above one hundred & under five
hundred pounds of tobacco ffifty pounds of tobacco, if itt exceed
fiue hundred One hundred pounds of tobacco, if itt exceed One
thousand then for the first One thousand One hundred pounds of
tobacco And for every one thousand afterwards ffifty pds of tobacco.
For any extraordinary warrant or Comission the free to be regulated
by the Court, for impannelling a jury one hundred & twenty pounds
of tobacco Provided allwayes that in case any person shalle refuse
to pay the same ffees by the said Act lymitted & allowed Itt shall &
may be law full for the severall Officers therein named to recover the
same by way of Execucon against the Goods or body of the person
so refuseing & no other And in case any shall doe directly or in-
directly to this Act shall loose or forfeit to the party grieved treble
damages And shall also forfeit the Sume of six thousand pounds of
tobacco or forty pounds sterling for every tyme he or they shall so
doe the contrary, the one moiety to the Lord Propry his heyres &
successors the other moiety to the party or partyes that shall sue
for the same by any plaint action suite bill or Informacon wherein
no Essoyne protection or wager of Law shall be allowed As by the
said Act relacori being thereunto had may more fully & att large
appeare Yet the said Thomas being Deputy or Under Sheriffe to
Gerard Slye gentl high Sheriffe of the said County of St Maryes
the said Act of Assembly little reguarding or the penaltyes therein
contained fearing after the publicacon of the said Act to witt upon
the twenty fourth day of Septembr in the yeare of our Lord One

Liber N N

thousand Six hundred Seventy seven, he the said Thomas Wynn
as Deputy or Under Sheriffe aforesaid by vertue of two severall
writts issued out of his Lordpps Provinciall Court dated the twenty
third day of June One thousand six hundred Seventy seven &
returnable before the Justices thereof the second day of Octobr then
following one att the suite of George Yate against the said Robt
Purrington in the said writt named Christopher Gest in a plea of
debt of Twelve thousand pounds of tobacco And the other att the
suite of John Quigley against the said Robert Purington in an action
of debt for the Suine of Eleven thousand one hundred & Sixty
pounds of tobacco To the Sheriff of St Maryes County directed,
att the City of St Maryes the body of the said Robert Purrington
did Arrest & carryed him to the house of Richard Chillman Inn-
holder of the City of St Maryes & his body there in prison did

p. 711

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 39   View pdf image (33K)
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