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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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274 A Contemporary Index.

VSewingen & Mills Exr Boston
Cont ....................... 517
VSweringen & Lowe Cont....... 518
VSweringen & Blomfeild Judgt... 563
VSweringen & Mills Exs Boston
Judgt ....................... 565
VSweringen & Hedge Judg*.... 566
VSweringen & Pattison Judg*..... 568
Veitch Costs allowed ........... 641
Veitch Costs allowed............ 641
VSweringen & Lowe Cont....... 649
VSweringen & Quigley app &
impl ........................ 656
the same & Quigley Sp. baile... 672
the same & Lowe agreed........ 675
VSweringen & Bodkin judgmt.. 704
VSweringen Adn
Deery&Quig- app&impl... ^

Quigley cont ............ 725
Quigley Stopt by injunc-
tion .................. 726
Vansweringen and Quigley Cont. 749
Vansweringen admr Dery and
Quigley Cont ............... 767
Vansweringen and Quigley
Cont ....................... 767
Vaughan and Eaton Judge-
ment ....................... 780
Vanswearing admr Dery andT
Quigly Conti ............ 1 8
Idem et Idem— Conti ........ f "
Idem et Idem — Conti ........
Idem et Idem — Conti ........... 822
Vanswearingen adr~
Derry & Quigley Lrnntin Sn,.
The same agt the f Lontm ^4
same ..........
Vanswear and 1

VaQnSingen&Contin--- *94
Quigley .....

Woolchurch Henry Deed to Bea-
mont ....................... 8
Walter & King judgt............ 23
Ward & Trulock & Turner sher
in miser nisi ................. 27
Worgan & Williamson 2 of att.. 30
Whetcome & Smith ordr Att..... 30
Wells S within Sworne att...... 31
Winslow & Ladds judgmt.......... 35
Colleson agreed ......... 35
Wilkinson & Wilkinson agreed.. 38
Wright & Wms judgt............ 41
Ward & Trulock & Turner app.
& imple ..................... 38
Wade & England judgt.......... 41
Wms & Robbins cont............ 42
Wall & Worgan agreed ......... 44
Wheatly & Wilson cont.......... 44
Warren & Taylor cont.......... 44
Walther & Tully judgmt.......... 47
Will™3 & Ives sh: amer. & cont... S3
Walker & Quigley cont ......... 60
Watkins & Rawbone abate....... 60
Wall & Worgan agreed ......... 64
Warreek & Ridgell app. & imple ... 73
West & Cooke agreed........... 73

Wynn & Oldfield sh. amer. nisi ... 74
Wedge & Ringold sher amer.
nisi ........................ 74
West & Hedge app. & imp16...... 75
Wasford Wm adjudged......... 78
Wright Arthur costs allowed... 87
Ward & Trulock 2 judgmts.....89 & 90
Wheatly & Wilson sher. reamer. 93
Warren & Taylor the Same ..... 93
Willms & Ives discont........... 94
West & Hedge agreed .......... 97
Wynn & Oldfield discont ........ 97
Windsor & Spinke admr paine
app. & imple.................. 98
Walker & Swinsen... ]
Welsh&Ofley&Lowe Lffree(1 oo
Walker & Hignett... faSreed- 98
Erickson ......
Webb & Kingsberry abatem*..... 98
Walker & Carde & Robinson sher
amer nisi ................... 99
Whitwell & Glover the Same... 100
Watkins & Hill admr Rawbone
app. & imple.................. 101
Webb & Pagett agreed.......... 102
Woods & Delaroche app. & impl6. 105
Will"" & Robins judgmt......... 108
Ward Math, sworne att.......... 88
Walker & Quigley judgt......... 131
Wedge & Ringold Verdict & Ar-
rest judgmt ................... 132
Wharton lett att. to Gardner &
Winslow ................... 136
White & Watkins lett att. to
Luffe ....................... 140
Warreek & Ridgell judgt....... 157
Ward & Jenifer & Moyes Exrs
Sci fa r & ordr Execution...... 172
White Guy costs allowed........ 173
Wasse James W* att............ 181
Wheatly & Wilson abates...... 187
Windsor & Bink abates ........ 189
Wynn Tho: promiseth judgmt to
Brooke ..................... 193
Warren & Taylor judg'.......... 194
Walker & Carde & Robinson
agreed ...................... 196
Watkins & Hill cont............ 199
Wedge & Ringold in arrest judgmt
reasons & ordr writt of Error
& ca ........................ 200
whitwell & Glover nonsuite & acc-
quitt ....................... 203
Watkinson Tane costs .......... 206
Wakefield Nicho Pet. & ordr free-
dome ....................... 220
Woods & Delaroche agreed &
ord<" ........................ 221
Wright Katherine pet. & ordr to
Cap" Taylor ................ 223
Walker & Jenkins ....... 1
Bradshaw .... ^agreed.. 232
Milliard & Davis 1
Haffort sher amer nisi .... 233
Wilmer & Robins discont........ 234
Walker & Roe app. & imp'e ...... 236
Williamson & Vansweringen app.
& impl ...................... 238
Ward & Grigsrs app. & imple....... 239
White & Rawlins app. & impl6 ..... 240

Wynn & Rawlins app. & imp16.. 242
Wright & Brandt agreed........ 246
Watson & Murty app. & imp16!
Graham the Same....
Wyn & Watson & als idem. f "
Spinke idem .........
Watkins & Hill cont............ 252
Wm" & Rumsey..
Walker & Huffort}a«reed-"--- 2s8
Roe cont................. 277
Wmson & Vansweringen judgt..... 282
Ward & Griggs judgmt........... 284
Wms & Robbins judg1........... 287
Wynn & Braddy agreed\ _
Woods & sarner idem ...f' ' "'
White & Bankes app. & imp16... 300
Watts & Evans idem ........... 302
Whetcotnb & Ballard & Smith
bayle bond dd................ 304
Waghop & Lewis ordr attachmt ... 305
Wyrm & Rawlins judg'.......... 309
Watson & Graham ~
Murty .... I
Wynn & Watson... ('
Spink .....
Wattkins & Hill cont............ 323
Walker & Roe cont ............. 324
White & Bankes cont ........... 325
Watts & Evans cont............. 332
White & Dare nisi ............. 335
Wells & Bodkin & ais app. &
imple ....................... 341
Wynn & Hill idem ............. 343
Wells & Helgar idem............ 343
Watson & Graham cont.......... 361
Wynn & Spinke cont............ 363
Watson & Murky judgt......... 365
Wynn & Watson & als judg'...... 366
Watkins & Hill adr Rawbone
cont ........................ 368
Walker & Roe nonsuite ........ 374
White & Bankes cont............ 375
Watts & Evans cont ............ 395
White & Dare agreed........... 397
Williams sworne att ............ 403
Watson & Graham\ , ^,
Wynn & Spinke ..... /agreed 408
Watkins & Hill judgmt............ 4IQ
White & Bankes judgmt........... 426
Wats & Evans judgmt............ 430
Wells & Bodkin & al Cont....... 457
Wells & Helgar Cont............. 457
Wynne & Hill Cont............. 459
Warde & Rumsey Exr Trulock
app & impl .................. 460
Warde agt the same app & impl ... 460
White & Adrs Salmon app &
impl ........................ 460
Welborne & Compa agt Sanders
app & impl ................... 462
the same & al agt the same app &
impl ........................ 462
Williams & Jones app & impl... 466
Wintersell Costs allowed ....... 476
Windoe pet ................... 477
Waghob & Loton security upo
Replevin .................... 482
Watkins & Hill Adr Rawbone
ordr ........................ 486
Wynne & Hill agreed ........... 488


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 274   View pdf image (33K)
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