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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 275   View pdf image (33K)
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A Contemporary Index. 275

Williams & Barnes app & impl..... 497
Waghob & Loton app & impl .... 497
Willlms & Jones Cont .......... 498
Welborne & al & Saunders
Cont ....................... 498
Welborne & al & Saunders
Cont ........................ 498
Welborne & al & Allen Cont....... 498
Wade & Slye Ejectmt Cont...... 506
White & Adrs of Salmon Judg'... 507
Williams & VSweringen Judgt.. 509
Wells & Bodkin & al Cont 518
Ward & Rumsey Exx Trulock
Cont ....................... 522
the same agt the same Cont...... 522
Wells & Helgar nonsuite ....... 522
Williams & Blakistone Judg*....... 533
Williams & Barnes agreed ...... 587
Waghob & Loton agreed......... 587
Wade & Slye Judg'.............. 59o
Wade & Slye poss ............. 592
Whetcomb & Ballard & Smith
Judgt ....................... 595
Welborne & Compa & al &
Saunders Judg* .............. 612
the same agt the same Judg*....... 613
Wells & Bodkin & ffitzgerald
Judg' ....................... 635
Whittington Costs allowed....... 641
Walker allowed for impannelling
three juryes ................. 641
Willins & Jones agreed.......... 647
Ward & Tankerly app & impl ..... 648
Williams & Coleborne app &
impl ........................ 648
Ward & Rumsey Exr Trulock
Judg' ....................... 651
Williams & Ward Exx Ward app
& impl ...................... 652
Wasse & Hemsley app & impl..... 653
Weare & Rumsey app & impl .... 653

the same agt the same app &
impl ........................ 653
Watkins & Hill Adr Rawbone
devastauit ................... 653
Ward & Rumsey Exr Trulock
Judg' ....................... 654
Williams & Coleborne cont..... 678
Ward & Tankerly agreed........ 683
Williams & Ward cont .......... 689
Weare & Rumsey 2 Nonsuits ..... 700
Wasse & Hemsley judgmt........ 698
Whittington & VSweringen
judgmt ..................... 707
Ward & Quigley app & impl...... 714
Pattison app & impl....... 717
Stapelfort agreed ........ 718
Clarke app & impl ....... 727
Wynne & Vaulx baile bonde to be
assigned .................... 731
Welsh Jno amerced............. 655
Ward & Maurice possession de-
liuered ..................... 658
W hillock & Simpson app & impl. 655
Williams and Coleborne non-
suite ....................... 749
Williams and Ward Judgement.. 755
Ward and Quigley Cont ....... 767

WalkeLomtxShankeS }Cont ' ' ' ' ' 79o
Warde and Clarke Exr Sauvage
Cont ....................... 794
Warde and Pattison arr. of
Judgemt Cost ............... 802
Wright & Richardson speciall
Baile ....................... 810
Ward exix Ward and Quigley
Judg ....................... 833
Welsh and Jones's Admr order p
execution ................... 836
Ward exix Warde & Clark exf
Savage agreed .............. 844

Wright admx Wright and Rich-
ardson Judg ................ 851
Ward and Pynn & al Judgm'....... 859
Ward ex & Ward & pattison arr
Judg ....................... 869
Wynne & Wms adm* Wms Judg. 874
Walker and ]
shankes ........ ^Continued... 876
Idem and Lomax...
Wedge Confesse Judgmt ats
propry ...................... 904

Young & Larkin sher amer nisi ... 66
Larkin sher amer......... 96
Yoakely & Edmundson agreed..... 98
Young & Larkin & Chew cont..... 193
Yoakely & Pollard app. & imple... 232
Young & Larkin & Chew app &
imple ....................... 236
Gibbs app & imple ........ 244
Larkin & Chew cont......... 250
Yoakelv & Pollard agreed...... 2=;8
Young & Gibs Cont............. 314
Larken & ais Cont....... 323
Yate & Gist agreed.............. 344
Young & Gibbs judgmt ........... 352
Younger ordr ................. 367
Young & Larkin & als cont...... 368
Young & Ryland nisi ........... 402
Young & Larkin judgmt........... 419
Youngman Costs allowed........ 476
Young & Bell poss ............. 480
Yate & Porrington & als Gist
agreed ...................... 640
Young & Seames Nonsuite........ 766
Yate & ux. & Beard agreed...... 801
Yore Ordr .................... 813
Yate & Blomfield satisfaction
ackn: ....................... 641
Yate admr Wilson & Cromewell
ordrs withernam ............. 884


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 275   View pdf image (33K)
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