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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 273   View pdf image (33K)
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A Contemporary Index. 273

Thorp & English admr Allen app
& imp'e .................... 232
Thompson & Wynn agreed....... 233
Taylor & Cox app. & imple..... ~i
Hunt r. Sci: fa: Man- 1 g
ning & als .......... f " J
ditto r. Sci: fa HooperJ
Thompson & Allen 2 app. &
imp16 ....................... 239
Thomas & Semme agreed"]
Throp agt Man & Spaight L ....... 241
judg' ..................J
Tenehill & Bankes app. & imple ... 249
Thorp & Inglish abate........... 251
Thornbush & Overton discont... 255
Taylor agt Pattison nonsuite .... 256
Tawney & Binkes agreed........ 258
Trego SL als agt Bondell fi: fa:
Satisf........................ 260
Taylor & Cox discount ......... 276
Thompson & Allen 2 cont ....... 277
Tilghman & Mitchell cont...... 298
Tarleton & Lewis attachm'") ^^
Doxey agreed ......... f ' " ' ^*
Thomas & Hall ordr attachm1..... 305

^MdS?}"*' " 307
Layton cont ............. 308
Tauney & Barnett & ais agreed... 311
Tenehill & Bankes cont.......... 321
Thompson & Allen 2"]
Taylor & Stanley.. J-.......... 324
Oldfield .... 1
Tilghman & Mitchell cont........ 325
Taylor & Layton cont .......... 333
Price 2 app & imple ....... 334

TregoQegBrk.eS}id-- 335
Tite & Hill app. & impl.......... 337
Toll & Watts idem.......\
Tarleton & Lewis idem/ 343
Taylor & Manning judgmt upon
Sci: fa ..................... 347
Toulson & Stone judgmt........... 351
Tenehill & Bankes cont.......... 361
Turner pet. & order............. 368
Thompson & Allen 2 cont........ 379
Taillor & Oldfield.. \ t ,_~
Tilghman & Mitchell/ cont' ' ' ' ' ' 379
Tailler & Stansby ordr writt
posso ....................... 385
Taillor & Price... \ j ,
Taillor & als & ditto/agreed ' ' ' ' ' 391
Trego & Clegatt cont............ 395
Taylor & Layton ordr w* Re ..... 396
Tregoe & Brooke cont........... 399
Taillor & Pattison cont.......... 399
Tenehill & Bankes judgmt......... 417
Tyte & Hill cont ............... 401
Trego & Clegatt agreed ......... 408
Tomison & Sayer agreed ....... 409
Taillor & Oldfield cont.......... 423
Thompson & Atkey pcedendo ..... 434
Tregoe & Brooke cont .......... 437
Tyte & Hill cont ............... 438
Tayler & Pattison nonsuite....... 438
Tarleton & Lewis Judg*......... 451
Tolle & Watts Cont.............. 458
Turbervile & Smith app & impl ... 463

Taylor & Layton ordr resurvey... 481
Tolle & Watts agreed........... 488
Tailler & Harris app & impl ..... 497
Taillor & Pattison app & impl ..... 498
Taillor & Mountfort Judgt....... 501
Tregoe & Brooke Adr Worgan
Judg* ...................... 503
Tailler & Layton Ejectmt Cont.. 517
Tyte & Hill Cont............... 517
Turberville & Smith Cont...... 521
Tayler & Oldfeild judg'......... 542
Taillor & Pattison agreed ....... 568
Tailler & Harris agreed......... 568
Tyte & Hill agreed............. 587
Tailler & Layton order
Resurvey ................... 598
Turbervile & Smith Judgt........ 626
Teate & Hunt agreed ........... 647
Tennison & Dauis app & impl ..... 652
Tennison & Coode app & impl..... 653
Tyte & Johnson app & impl...... 653
Tailer amerced ................ 655
Tite & Johnson cont............ 689
Tennison & Dauis agreed........ 690
Turner Edward costs all......... 717
Tennison & Dauis agreed........ 719
Tyer & Helgar Ordr Speciall
bayle ....................... 725
Turner & Cartwrights Exrs app &
impl ........................ 726
Taney & Gibbs nisi.............. 731
Tilghman & Mitchel baile bonde
to be assigned ............... 423
Tite and Johnson Judgement... 757
Taylor and Rawlings Cont ..... 790
Tyer and Helgar Cont.......... 798
Taney and Gibbs Special Bayle ... 805
Tasker & Gosfrights"]

E*rs :: Ugreed ... 801
Gosfrights f 6
Ex" ..... j
Thomas & Stiles's Exrs ordr costs 813
Thompson & Wyne judgmt..... 814
Tyer and Helgar agreed ........ 820
Taillor and Price agreed ........ 824
Taillor and Ambros Barnes: &
Price agreed ................ 824
Thompson & Wynne Sat ackn: ... 861
Tailor and Rawlings continued... 876
Tailor agt Lenham & Balderston
adr Desiardins apr & imple..... 880
Taney agt Lingham & Mar-"!
sham Exrs Gosf right ..... [ gg
the Same agt the same — app f " '
and impl ...............)
Turford and Hassell app and
Imparl ..................... 883
Turner & Cartwrights executors
Nonsuite .................... 889
Truman and Sprigg Ordr........ 892
TurfordTheophl n , t o^.
Turner William/allowedcosts-- ^3
Toate & Roswell agreed......... 900

Vaughan Thomas Deed to Roe ... 7
Verburgh & Quigley judg'....... 19
Vansweringen & Decosta ordr
Sci: fa ..................... 30
Barnwell judg' ......... 38

Vicaris Isaac adjudged.......... 50
& Tracey

Nufhaatltirsh:arner&cont-- S4
Beale 2 ap. & cont 1
Cloyster 2 \ ...... 54
Lewis 2 judgts............ 55
Sise J-sher amer nisi..... 67
Cole j
Darnell ordr attach*....... 67
Beale 2 "j
Nuthall >agreed ......... 94
Clegatt sh: reamer ... \
Tracey app & imple/ " ' ' w
Wright sher reamer ...... 95

^jagreed .......... «

Towle the Same.......... 103
Miller abate ....... \
Browne amer nisi/'"'" 4
Cloyster judgt 2......... 143
Lochmachling judgt ..... 143
Cole baile bond dd........ 150
Thomas judg1 \ go
Guyther nonps J '
Clegatt "j
Tracey 1 g
Wright f 189

Elworthy J
Browne baile bond
assigned .............. 209
Veitch & Blackburne agreed....... 232
Vansweringen & Hutton appT
& imp!= .................. ... 239
Harper idem ........
Quigley bill filed & imple ... 240
Hanson agreed .......... 248
Thompson app. & imp!e... 249
Veitch & Bayly Judgm'.......... 246
Vansweringen & Hatton judg'.. 276
Quigley agreed .......... 276
Rumsy nisi ............. 280
Harper judgmt ............ 284
Verburgh & Quigley Se fa r &
ord>- exr .................... 304
Vansweringen & Thompson
cont ........................ 3T6
Mills app & implle\
Lowe idem ..... J'""" <3jy
Abbott Sp: bayle bond to
be assigned ........... 342
Thompson cont .......... 361
Thompson judgtn' ....... 416
Mills cont .............. 449
Lowe cont .............. 449
Vsweringen & Abbot bayle bond
deliuered ................... 458
Vsweringen & Rozer Esq8 Adr
Bodkin ffitz James Judgt..... 467
Vsweringen & Bodkin order At-
tachment ................... 476
VSweringen & Hedge app &
impl ........................ 497
VSweringen & Blomfeild Cont... 506


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 273   View pdf image (33K)
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