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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 272   View pdf image (33K)
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272 A Contemporary Index.

Salmon Ad" & James Cont...... 517
Semme & Brooke Cont........... 519
Stiles's Exrs & Staires & Wilkin-
son Cont..................... 520
Stocket & Stauely & Chicken
abatem* ..................... 520
the same agt the same abatemt... 520
Styles's Exrs & Chicken
abatemt ..................... 520
Stiles's Ex" & Neave Cont ..... 520
Stiles Adrs & Moore & ux Adx
Whetstone Cont ............. 521
Shepheard & Bumpas Cont ...... 521
Stiles's Adr & Moore & ux Cont... 521
Saunders & Allen Cont.......... 522
Sprigg & Trueman Degree in-
rolled ...................... 529
Sanders order ................. S2p
Salmon Adrs & Hatton Judg*..... 532
Stiles's Ex" & Mills Ex™ Boston
abatem* ..................... 537
Sulevant & Greene nonsuite ..... 539
Salmon Adrs & Hutchinson
Suerty ..................... 547
Smith & Dormand judgmt ordr
writt inquiry damages ........ 549
Styles's Exrs & Gunnell & ux
Ad* Overton Judg'............ 556
Salmon Adrs & Hutchinson
Judgt ....................... 558
Stauely & Brooke Judg'......... 561
Stauely & Stayer Judg*.......... 562
Stockett & Beaman agreed ...... 565
Styles's Adrs & Thomas non-
suite ....................... 568
Stocket & Peca agt Judgt upon
Error ...................... 576
Smithson & Hall Cont........... 586
Salmon & Stiles's Ad" & James
non suite ................... 595
Styles's Adrs & James Judgt...... 597

Gtylco's EA.*"D <x Ncauc Jud&*....... Ouj

Stiles's Exrs & Staires & Wilkin-
son Judg* ................... 604
Semme & Brook judgmt........... 624
Simpson & Saunder judgmt........ 625
Sprigg & Trueman judg1......... 638
Snell Adr Cornish & Sencerfe app
& impl ...................... 648
Sayer & Brooke & Quigley app &
impl ........................ 648
Stiles's Ex" & Sibrey Cont...... 649
Styles's Ex" & Moore & ux Adx
Whetstone Cont ............. 649
Saunders & Allen abatemt........ 651
Snell Adr Cornish & Hooper app
& impl ...................... 652
Slye & Reider app. & impl ....... 652
Styles's Exrs & Mills app &
impl ........................ 653
Sibrey & Howell miser.......... 6^5
Staynes & Jones app & impl ..... 656
Smith & Neale app & impl ...... 656
Sherwood & Hunt .............. 656
Saunders remanded ............ 664
Stiles's Exrs & Sibrey agreed ..... 675
Sayer & Quigley judgmt......... 681
Staynes & Jones judgra*......... 682

Snell Adr Cornish & Senscerfe
warr' ....................... 683

StileS>SLEoX;;&erBateman}a^ed.. 684

Snell admr Cornish & Hooper ..... 690
Slye & Reider Nonsuite.......... 696
Stiles's Exrs & Mills Non suite... 699
Sibrey & Howell cont........... 702
Smith & Neale judgmt........... 703
Sibrey & Penington ordr....... 714
Stiles's Exrs & Johnson app &
impl ........................ 714
Stocket & Stauely app & impl..... 714
Sprigg & Mann app & impl...... 716
Spry & Large app & impl ........ 720
Sherwood & Hunt cont.......... 724
Stiles's Exrs & Irland app &
impl ........................ 725
Sly & Rozer satisfaction ........ 738
Smith & Dormand judgmt...... 743
Sibrey & Mills Ex" Boston
judgmt ..................... 661
Spry and ux Admrs Hales and
Large Cont ................. 748
Stiles's Excrs and Ireland Cont... 749
Sibrey and Penington Cont ..... 752
Stiles's Exrs and Johnson & ux
Exx Utie Cont................ 752
Sibrey and Howell agreed ...... 756
Stocket and Stauely agreed ..... 756
Sprigg and Man Cont .......... 767
Smith Wm Costs allowed ....... 776
Sanders and Helgar Ordr Spe-
ciall Bayle Con :............. 776
Slye and Helgar ordr Sp. Bayle
Cont ....................... 776
Smith Elizeabeth Petticon and
Order ...................... 784
Sweatnam and Blomfeld Judge-
ment ....................... 792
Shaw and Haruy agreed........ 799

Stronfy and Mudd agreed........ 801

Sherwood and Wilcox & al non-
suite ....................... 802
Staynes & Jones cont............ 806
Smithson & Couell Ordr
Attachmt ................... 807
Steuens & Scarborow ordr
Attachmt ................... 809
Sanders Jno ordr about his
Estate ...................... 740
Stockett and Stauely ex"^
Stiles & Johnson & uxr ..... 818
Ex'* Utie ..............J
Spry & «xr adm* Hales & Large
agreed ..................... 820
Stevens and Scarborow agreed.. 824
Sybrey and Penington Judgmt... 832
Sprigg and Man Judgmt........ 835
Sybrey and Rochford Exix Roch-
f ord abated ................. 836
Stocket & Stauely exrs Stiles &
Ireland Judgement ........... 837
Shelton and Two hedges Judgmt 860
Scott and Barnes app and
Imple ...................... 875
Speed and Erbery & Bonner
order ....................... 484

Stevens Wm sworne Justice
Prov" Court ................ 893
Sanders and Helgar contin...... 894
Slye and Helgar Contin......... 894
Staynes and Anne Jones ordr... 898
Idem & Idem continued.......... 876
Sanders & Helgar Contin........ 877
Slye and Helgar Contin......... 877
Sparkes & Lynes in Ejectmt
order ....................... 879
Siveret & Slye admrs "j
Chilman ....... i-nisi........... 880
Semme agt the samej
Slye agt Reynolds & Lomax
agreed ...................... 882

Toatc and Rosewcll agreed...... — §ee
Thimbleby Jno Inquisition &
judgmt thereupon ............. 3
Tarleton & Semme judgmt....... 17
Taylor & Taylor 2 judgmts...2O & 21
Tarlton & Semme judgmt........ 26
Tasker & Chamberlaine ordr
Attach' ..................... 28
Tripp & Worgan cont .......... 32
Taylor & Richardson judgmt... 37
Tarkington & Hill nonsuite...... 53
Tilghman & Sokewell]
Wright ...... ^abates... 64
Stenart ......
Tarleton & Greene app. & imple ... 66
Thompson & Wyne app. &
imp^ ....................... 68
Tayler & Hodson agreed........ 68
Tayler & hunt attach* Returned
& ordr ...................... 70
Tarleton & Murty 2 app & imple... 72

Hatton abate ...... \
Loud sher. amer. nisi J ' ' " '
Taylor Walter adjudged ........ 78
Tripp Henry Costs allowed.. 86 & 87
Tfiompson George iworne att..... 89
Tripp & Worgan cont ........... 92
Tarleton & Murty 2 agreed ..... 97
Thomas & Semme app. & imple... 99
Thompson & Hill app. & with-
drawn ...................... 99
Tilghman Exx & Smith agreed.. 100
Teate Josias lett att. to his
wife ........................ 137
Teate Rachell lett. att. to Stephen
Luffe ....................... 138
Tarleton & Green judgmt........ 148
Thompson & Wynn judgmt...... 150
Tarleton & Loyd judgmt .......... 160
Quigley judg' ........... 171
Tovey Sam« Warrt att......... 181
Thorpe & English withdrawne ... 184
Tilghman & Stenart judgmt...... 190
Tripp & Worgan abates......... 194
Ingram r. fi: fa........... 206
Taylor & Clarke agreed ..... "1
Pattison cont ...... k ... 225
Thornbush & Overton cont J
Thorpe & English abate ........ 227
Tho: & semme judg'............ 229
Trego & als & Boudell judgmt....... 230
Tauney & Binkes app. & imple.... 231


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 272   View pdf image (33K)
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