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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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A Contemporary Index. 271

Sullivant admr & DesjardinesT
the baile bond to be assigned J- ... 92
or the sher amerce'd ......
Squire & Wells..... ~] ]
Semme & Carleton >cont.....
admr .......... j k . 93
Squire admr Morecroft &
Chapman sh: reamer ......
Seme & Tarleton..... \ ,- ,
Carleton admr/dlscont--- 94
Sly & Okayne\ ,
Spry & Barbers/ agreed 94
Stevens & uxr & Lewis app. &
imple ....................... 98
Swinsen & Bigger the same ..... 98
Slye & Newton agreed .......... 99
Stiles Exr Salmon & Hatton
amer nisi .................. 100
Desjardines Discont .... too
Semme & Ditchfield app. & imple. 102
Slye & Edelen Ex Exr Cressy
agreed 2 .................... 103
Saunders Wm Lett att. to
Mr Notley .................. 105
Slye & Allen \- . t
Slye & Bonner/Judgt- I09
Holliday John Marke............ 123
Say er Peter sworne att.......... 88
Semme & Carleton judg'......... 126
Staynes & Rawlings judg'........ 146
Stavely & Quigley judgmt"! 6
Semme & Carleton judg' \ '
Smith Wm costs allowed........ 173
Summers Thomas costs allowed. 173
Sauvage Edw^ costs allowed..... 173
Speed & ffendall upon sci fa:
costs allowed ................ 175
Strong Leo: Land judgt......... 183
Swinfen & Bigger discont........ 189
Skillington Thomas costs ....... 189
Squire & Wells discont.......... 194
Semme & Carleton judgt......... 195
Stevens & Chapman discont \
Stevens & Lewis the Same/''" yi
Stiles & Hatton abates.......... 203
Smith Wm costs ............... 204
sheriffs attorneys ............. 204
Sayer Peter bond admcon
assigned .................... 206
Speed & Erbery r fi: fa......... 206
Semme & Ditchfield cont ........ 209
Sheriffs fee for comittm4 &
release ..................... 215
Stiles & Boston abates .......... 226
Swinsen & Rumsey app. &")
impl ................. k .... 232
Stavely & Smith agreed..
Sauvage & Bawcomb agreed.... 233
Styles & Vtie abates ......... ~)
Skillington & Atkey app. & 1
impl .................... " 34
Sly & Tenison agreed........
Sulivant & Desjardines sherl
amer. nisi ...............
Slye & Downes abate......... I
Stansby & Russell sher. amer j " "
Squire & Wells discont......
Sibry & Gunnell 2 app. & impk... 236

Sulivant & Mitchell nisi ........ 239
Slye & Rozer app. & imp16....... 240
sheriffs when to make returne.. 240
idem ................... 240
Stocket & Carpenter & Osfley
agreed ...................... 242
Staynes & Allen app. & imp16....... 243
Semme & Ditchfield judgmt...... 253
Salaway & Turner agreed ....... 258
Speed & Erbery ordr about
attach*3 ..................... 261
Swinson & Rumsey judgmt........ 266
Slye & Rozer judgt............. 267
Skillington & Atkey agreed...... 268
Stansby & Russell idem.......... 269
Sybrey & Gunnell 2 judgmt3...271 & 272
Semmes & King agreed.......... 276
Semme & Wynne judgmt.......... 278
Sulivant & Desjardines nonsuite. 283
Mitchell sher. amer...... 283
Stockett & Bland app. & imple..... 283
Shuttleworth & Ward judg'...... 295
Slye Gerrard sworne sheriff.... 297
Servts may be adjudged here....... 297
Sampson & Wathen agreed...... 299
Sayer & Tomison app. & imple"
Squire & Blangy idem........ ... 300
Smith & Hall attach*.........
Solly & Roswell 3 app. & imple ... 302
Sly & Roswell 2 idem\
Sibrey & Mills idem.. J " 3o3
Sulivant & Potter retraxit....... 305
Staynes & Allen cont ........... 309
Slye & Oldfield judgt............ 319
Sulivant & Mitchell cont......... 324
Squire & Blangy cont ........... 325
Sayre & Tomison app. & impl**
cont ........................ 325
Solly & Toate & ats 2]
Roswell ...... J-......... 33'
Slye & Roswell 2.... 1
Sibrey & Mills cont ............ 332
Stockett & Bland cont............ 333
Stockett & als & James app. &
imple ....................... 335
Sybrey & Gunnell surety es ~
upon writt of Errour....... k . 337
Sulivant & Green app. & imple J
Spink Thomas sworne con-
stable ...................... 338
Sencerf & Brookes admr "
Worgan nisi ............. 1
Stockett & a's agt Mills app. f" -"y
& imrj'e ..................

Stavely & Sybrey idem.......... 340
Stockett & als & Johnson app.
& imple ..................... 341
Stavely & als & James idem.. 341 344
Staynes & Pagett ... \,. „-„.. ...
Spinke & Jones ... /agreed- 344
Staynes & Allen cont............ 351
Speed & Erbery order........... 368
Squire & Blangrv iudem*........ 38'
Sayer & Tennison cont ......... 385
Solly & Roswell j udgt........... 388
Toate & als ditto.....]
Slye & Rosewell cont ..... 388
Sybry & Mills cont ...

Solly & RoswelH T , t _Q
Slye * Roswell /Judg'-"------ 3«9
Stockett & Bland cont........... 395
Sulevant & Mitchell cont ........ 379
Sulevant & Green cont.......... 401
Sprigg & Trueman judg'......... 403
Staynes & Allen agreed......... 408
Sayer & Thomisont , „
Slye & Roswell... >greed..... 408
Semme & Long & ais agreed..... 411
Sybrey & Mills cont............. 426
Stockett & Bland cont........... 436
Stiles admrs & James cont....... 437
Sulevant & Green cont........... 438
Sensarfe & Brooke judgmt....... 443
Styles admrs & Johnson judgmt... 445
Styles admrs & Sybrey.....T
Admr Salmon & ^cont.. 447
James .........
Styles admrs & Mills cont ....... 449
Seaward & als & Grey agreed..... 410
Stiles's Ad" & Staires & Wilkin-
son misericordia ............. 460
Stauely & Stockett & Chicken
misericordia ................. 460
the same Adrs Salmon & Hatton
app & impl.................... 460
Stiles Adrs & Chicken miseri-
cordia ...................... 460
Stiles's Adrs & Neaue miseri-
cordia ...................... 460
Stiles's Ad" & Moore & ux Adx
Whetstone app & impl ........ 462
the same & the same app & impl ... 462
Shepheard & Pumpas app &
impl ....................... 463
Semme & Brooke app & impl....... 465
Saunders & Allen cont ......... 465
Stauely & Sayer app & impl ..... 466
Shutleworth & Ward Exx Ward
Judgt ....................... 473
Solly Adx Solly & Bosswell
Judg* ....................... 474
Smith Costs allowed............ 476
Slye pet........................ 477
Secretaryes fees ............... 477
Stauely Order ................ 478
Saunders remanded ............ 479
Slye Satisfaction ack: — to
Rozer ...................... 479
Stauely & Stocket & Inglish
agreed ..................... 488
the same agt the same agreed ..... 488
Stocket & Bland agreed.......... 488
Smith & Dormand app & impl ..... 496
Stiles Ex" & Gunnell & ux Ad*
Overton app & impl .......... 497
Styles's Ex" Ad" Salmon &
Hutchinson app & impl ....... 49o
Stauely & Brooke app & impl ..... 498
Stauely & Sayer cont........... 498
Styles Exrs & Thomas app &
impl ........................ 499

.Cltnptet * Beaman app £: impl ... 499

Smithson & Hall Cont .......... 499
Sibrey & Mills Exr Boston cont... 5<x>
Stiles's Exrs & James Cont..... 500
Slye & Wade Ejectmt Cont...... 506
Stiles's Ex" & Sibrey Cont...... 517


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 271   View pdf image (33K)
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