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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 270   View pdf image (33K)
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270 A Contemporary Index.

Raspin & Allen cont............. 318
Rousby & Callaway cont\ „
Raspin & Stone, cont..... J ' " ' J
Rigbey & Berry cont............ 325
Rogers & als & Moys Exrs
judgmt ..................... 327
Reynolds & Large & als cont ..... 332
Raules & ff rancis app. & imp16 ... 333
Ridgely & Peighin idem ......... 334
Rosewell & Slye idem............ 335
Rhodes Abr. sworne Constable.. 338
Rawlings John app. & remitt: to
Dor: County ................ 339
Ridgely & Turner nisi .......... 339
Younger ordr att.....~\
Remington nisi ..... J- ... 342
Rogers & Dunkerton ord attj
Rousby & Twidell & ais agreed... 344
Roe & Ingram att. r. & ordr...... 346
Radford & Wynne app. & impl6.. 351
Rhodes & Hill judgmt........... 354
Raspin & Allen judg'............ 363
Rousby & Galloway disc4........ 364
Revill w* att. to Carvile......... 369
Raspin & Stone cont............. 374
Rigby & Berry sher amer. &
Cont ....................... 383
Reynolds & Large & als judm*..... 393
Rowles & ff ranees cont.......... 395
Ridgely & Peighin \ „„_.., „
Rosewell & Slye 2 f agreed ' ' ' ' ' ' 409
Ridgely & Peighin cont........ 401
Rosewell & Slye 2 cont.......... 401
Rigby & Perry agreed........... 408

Ridgd&Srn>^-- 409
Radford & Wynne agreed........ 409
Rousby & Phillips agreed........ 410
Roe & Walter agreed............ 410
Rawles & ff ranees Cont........ 436
Robison & Hill Cont............ 459
Revell & Beauchamp app &
impl ........................ 462
Robins & Dare app & impl ...... 463
Roberts & VSweringen app &
impl ....................... 464
the same agt the same app &
impl ........................ 464
Rousby & Phillips misericord..... 466
Rozer Esqr Adr Bodkin fitz James
& Waghob abates ........ 466
Rozer Esqr & Saunders Judg*... 469
Ridgely & Jones Attachmt....... 476
Rawlings turti'd over to ye Sher-
iffe of St Maryes County...... 478
Ridgely Satisfaction ack :....... 479
Rousby & ux & Combes & ux &
Roe Judg* .................. 480
Ridgely & Hutchinson agreed ..... 488
Ridgely Satisfaction ack......... 490
Rozer Esq1" & Wynne cont ...... 496
Robins & Dare cont............. 496
Ridgely & Palmer aba tem*....... 497
Reider & VSweringen cont....... 498
Royston & Nickles non suite.... 507
Radford & Williams & al cont.. 519
Revell & Beauchamp cont........ 519
Rozer & Sanders cont........... 519
Roberts & Vsweringen cont..... 519
the same agt the same cont....... 519
Rousby & Phillips cont.......... 522

Ridgely & Thirston order
Attachmt ................... 523
Robinson & Hill nonsuite........ 524
Rozer & Bonner Judgt........... 540
Rawles & ux Admx Coppage &
ff rancis Comiss auditor........ 540
Rozer & Wynne agreed.......... 550
Revell & Beauchamp Judg*...... 607
Reider & VSweringen Judg*...... 615
Robins & Dare agreed........... 647
Roberts & VSweringen agreed.. 650
the same agt the same agreed.... 650
Rousby & Phillips agreed........ 650
Roe Exx Roe & Hemsley app &
impl ........................ 653
Ridgely & Oldfield Ordr
Attachmt ................... 656
Rozer & Bodkin goods Con-
demnd ...................... 662
Ridgely & Jones Att disallvd....... 663
Roe & Hemsley cont............. 689

^SdtKed ....... 69S

Rogers & Moyes Exrs Satisfac-
con ........................ 704
Royston & Vaughan app & impl... 714
Roe & Ingram ordr............. 717

Ridge%le&meTPSVed...... 7x8

Royston & ffawson agreed...... 718
Rigby & Merrikin app & impl... 719
Rousby & Vansweringen app &
impl ........................ 719
Roe & Racket nis: [i.e., nisi] .... 725
Ridgely & Leadbeater app &
impl ........................ 725
Rozer adr Bodkin & Allen poss :
deliuered ................... 660
Ridgeley and Leadbeater Cont.. 748
Royston and Vaughan Cont ..... 748
Roe and Hemsley agreed........ 756
Royston and Irons nonsuite...... 772
Rigby Exr Drury and Merrikin
Judgemt .................... 774
Rozer and Thompsen Judge-
ment ....................... 778
Rousby and Vansweringen Cont. 780
Robbins and Bryan app & impl ... 800
Bryan app. & impl....... 800
Roe and Eaton Exx Eaton app &
impl ....................... 800
Roe and Racket Speciall Bayle... 905
Revell & Downes baile bond
assigned .................... 806
Ridgely & Sanders Ordr
Attachmt ................... 807
Roberts & Gibbs app & impl ..... 809
Ratcliffe Admr Gover & Alvey
judgmt ..................... 81 1
Royston & Irons']
Irons ... VSpec baile.... 812
Irons ...
Royston and Vaughan agreed"!
Rousby and Vanswearing ... 820
and Linch agreed .........
Rozer and Maddox et Ux
agreed ...................... 824
Roswell and "j
Toate ...... >app and imp16... 834
Idem et Idem...J

Rochford ex* Rochford & Sly
admr Chiliman abate.......... 836
Roe exix Roe and

s&byln: *

Idem and Idem...
Ridgely and Leadbeater Judgmt . , 838
Roberts and Gibbs Conti......... 850
Roe ex<* Roe & Eaton ex'* Eaton
Judg ....................... 865
Ridgely and Derumple ap and
Impl ....................... 873
Rochford Exix Rochford and Sly
admr Chilm abat :............ 836
Robins and Bryan Non-1
suite ................ k ..... 876
Idem et Idem Nonsuite J
Rozer & Quigley app and impl ... 881
Idem agt Idem app & imp16...... 882
Ridgely & Carleton ack. Satisf ... 893
Roe ex* Roe and Hackett con-
tinued ...................... 894
Roberts and
Gibbs agreed ...
Roswell and Toate

RiIdgeeTyand--kreed-- **
Derumple .....
Roswell and
Toate .........
Royston and Irons ~j
the same agt ye same /-continued. 904
the same agt ye samej
Reynolds & Potter ordr for
execuc ................ 883

Sealons & Purnell agt Blinkhorne
nonsuite .................... 12
Speed & Erbery & Compa judgtn*. 28
Secretary order to him ......... 30
Soly & Hall Pet. & order........ 31
Suliuant & Desjardiens cont...... 40
Squire & Norris judgmt......... 42
Slye & Allen cont............... 42
Slye & Bonner cont ............ 42
Solly & Rosewell judg'.......... 43
Semme & Carleton 3 cont ....... 45
Tarleton cont ........... 45
Squire & Wells cont ............ 46
Chapman cont ........... 48
Semme & Tarleton nonsuite .....' 52
Swinfen & Bigger abate......... 53
Slye & Okaine sh: amer & cont ... 54
Spry & Barber sh: amer & Cont... 54
Southy & Turner Judg* ......... 56
Staynes & Rawlins app. & imple ... 61
Swinsen & Cheseldyn discharge &
Receipt ..................... 62
Swanston & Taylor judgt........ 69
Stockett & Jones agreed ........ 69

SIye&MTuertonK-d--- *
Stavely & Quigley app. & imple... 76
Stapelfords deed to Blizard &
bond ....................... 80
to Rich: Roberts ......... 81
Savage Edward costs allowed ... 87 86
Staplefort Raymond costs
allowed ..................... 87


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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1678-1679
Volume 68, Page 270   View pdf image (33K)
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