234 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber N N
Mr Robert Ridgely
Sr This may advise you that we have indifferently Elected Capt
John Waterton & Capt John Stansby to be Auditors between us,
to Audite all the Accompts on behalfe of the Compa Itt is our desire
to you that you will please to gett the Court to Confirme them as
aforesaid, which is all from Sr yors &c under our hands & Seales this
22th of May 1679. Miles Gibson (sealed)
Edwd Gunnell (sealed)
To Mr Robert Ridgely one of the
Attorneys att St Maryes
Maryland ss
Whereas I Edward Gunnell of Baltemore County Mrchant am
impleaded in the Provinciall Court of this Province by Edward
Bleeke & Compa Mrchants of London of a plea that I render unto
them my reasonable accompt of the tyme I was Receiver of the Goods
Mrchandizes & tobaccoes of them the said Edward & Compa & which
to them to make justly I ought And for that I allwayes was & still
am ready to passe my said accompt with the said Edward & Compa
doe therefore hereby authorize & impower you Kenelm Cheseldyn
p. 888
Esqr to be my Attorney in the said cause, And to take copy of the
Declaration against me, & to acknowledge the action by giveing
judgmt to accompt And so in getting Auditors appointed for the
examining & stateing my said accompt And for your proceedings
hereing this shall be yor sufficient warrant Wittnes my hand & Seale
the twenty sixth of March 1679.
Sealed & delivered in prsence of Edward Gunnell (sealed)
Nic: Painter John Peerce :
To Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr Attorney Genll
of Maryland, or in case of his death
(which God forbid) to Charles Boteler
Gentl one of the Attorneys of the
Provintiall Court
Henry Brayne
Justinian Gerard
Justinian Gerard late of the County of St Maryes
Mrchant was Sumoned to Answer unto Henry
Brayne of a plea that he render unto him the said
Henry his reasonable accompt of the tyme in
which he was the receiver of the Goods of him the said Henry to
Mrchandize & render an accompt thereof
And whereupon the said Henry by Christopher Rousby his At-
torney saith, that whereas the said Justinian from the twentieth
day of April in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred
Seventy foure untill the first day of October One thousand six hun-
dred Seventy Eight was the Receiver of the Goods of him the said
Henry, that is to say att Bromley in the County of St Maryes by the
hands of the same Henry foure hogsheads & two barrells of Mus-