Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679. 235
cavado Suger a parcell of Ginger, twenty foure paire of mens &
womens worsted & wooling stockings of sorts, two barrells of rum
& a parcell of lyme juice in caske of the Value of twenty five thou-
sand three hundred pds of tobacco to Mrchandize for the profitt of
him the said Henry & to render a reasonable accompt thereof when
thereunto required Neverthelesse the said Justinian though often
thereunto required hath not rendred his reasonable accompt afore-
said unto the said Henry, but hitherto hath denyed & still doth deny
to render the same, whereupon he saith he is the worse & hath losse
to the Value of thirty thousands pds of tobacco & thereupon he
brings his suite
And the said Justinian Gerard by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorney
cometh & defendeth the force & injury when &c and prayeth liberty
to imparle hereunto untill next Provinciall Court & itt is granted
unto him, the same day is given to the ptt also.
Liber N N
Now here att this day to witt the sixth day of June in the fourth
yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Annoq Doni
1679. cometh as well the Said Henry Brayne as the said Justinian
Gerard by their Attorneys aforesaid And the said Justinian by his
said Attorney saith, that the said Henry his action aforesaid against
him the said Justinian ought not to have, for that he saith, that he
the said Justinian allwayes was & still is ready to accompt with him
the said Henry & craves judgmt whether his action aforesaid ought
to have. Therefore itt is considered that the said Justinian Gerard
accompt with the said Henry Brayne of the Goods aforesaid of the
same plaintiffe by the tyme aforesaid received in the forme in which
the plt hath above declared against him And hereupon John LLewel-
lin & Thomas Lomax of St Maryes County gentt in the prsence of
the Defendts Attorney aforesaid are assigned Auditors by the Court
here to heare the said Accompt So as they make their report thereof
to the Justices of the same Court to be held att the City of St. Maryes
the seventh day of Octobr next being the first day of the next Pro-
vinriall Court
p. 889
Edwd Turner
Cartwrights Exrs
Symon Edwards & Susanna his wife Exx of the
last Will & testamt of Demetrius Cartwright late
of Calvert County deceased was Aattached to An-
swer unto Edward Turner of a plea of trespas
upon the case.
And whereupon the said Edward Turner by Charles Boteler his
Attorney complaineth, that whereas the said Demetrius Cartwright
in his life tyme vizt upon the twenty ninth day of Novembr Annoq
Doni One thousand six hundred Seventy five in consideracon of the
severall Goods and and Mrchandizes bought had & received of him
the said Edward Turner amounting in the whole to the Sume of
two thousand nine hundred & fifteen pounds of tobacco an accompt
whereof is here in Court produced, did assume upon himselfe & to