232 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1679.
Liber N N Which being read & heard the Goods
abouesaid are condemned to his Lordpp
according to Act of Assembly
Maryland April the 6th Ano D. 16;
John Osborne
Stephen Horsey
Mr Robert Bloome Tenn dayes after sight of this my first bill of
Exchange, the second third nor fourth not paid, pay unto the Right
Honble Charles Lord Baltemore or his order the Sume of Twenty
five pds two shillings & foure pence, itt being for imposition and
port charges, & place itt to the Accompt of yor friend & servant
John Longden To Mr Robert Bloome Mrchant in London
By this publick Instrumt of Protest be itt knowne and manifest
unto all those who shall see these prsents or heare the same read That
on this day the twentieth of the Month of Septembr Anno Dni 1678.
& in the thirtieth yeare of the reigne of our sovereigne Lord King
Charles the second over England &c att the instance & request of the
right Honble Charles Lord Baltemore I Anthony Wright Notary &
Tabellion publick dwelling in London aforesaid by authority of his
said Matie admitted & sworne, demanded of Mr Robert Bloome of
London Mrchant if he would pay the Originall bill of Exchange
p. 886
(whereof the copy is herebefore written Word for word) where-
upon he Answered that he would not pay the said bill, by reason he
oweth the drawer thereof nothing. Upon which Answer I the said
Notary (att the request aforesaid haue Protested & by these prsents
doe solemnly Protest as well against John Longden drawer of the
said bill of Exchange as against all others whom itt doth or may
concerne for Change & rechange, together with all costs damages &
interests allready suffered & sustained & to be suffered & sustained
for want of payment of the said bill of Exchange thus done & Pro-
tested in London aforesaid in the prsence of Henry ffrog & Lawrence
Cresse Witnesses hereunto required. Quod subsigno & salito tabel-
lionatus sigillo attestor rogatus
(locus sigillo) Ant: Wright Nots Pubcus
Sep: 20: I :a 1678
Edward Bleeke
& Compa
Edward Gunnell
Edward Gunnell late of Baltemore County gentt
was Sumoned to Answer unto Edward Bleeke &
Compa Mrchants in London of a plea that he
render unto them his reasonable accompt of the
tyme he was Receiver of the Goods Mrchandizes
& tobaccoes of them the said Edward & Compa & which to them to
make justly he ought
And whereupon the said Edward & Compa by Robert Ridgely
their Attorney say, that whereas the aforesaid Edward was Receiver
of the Goods Mrchandizes & tobaccoes of them the said Edward &
Compa in the said Province of Maryland from the ffifteenth day of
September One thousand six hundred Seventy five untill the twen-