in a plea that they render unto the right Honbe
Charles Lord Baron of Baltemore the sume of twenty one thousand
seven hundred twenty two pounds of tobacco which to him they owe
& unjustly detaineth
And whereupon the said Christopher Rousby who in this behalfe
prosecuteth cometh in his proper person, & giveth the Court here to
understand & be informed, that whereas the said Marke Cordea &
John Addison together with one Walter Hall the Eighteenth day of
June in the yeare of our Lord One thousand six hundred Seventy
eight by their certaine writeing obligatory sealed with their Seales
here in Court produced whose date is the same day & yeare above
written, did acknowledge themselves To be holden & firmly obliged
to the right Honble Charles Calvert Lord Baron of Baltemore in the
full Sume of twenty one thousand Seven hundred twenty two pounds
of good Mrchantable tobacco to be paid to the said Charles Lord
Baltemore his heyres or assignes To which payment well & truely to
be made they did binde themselves their heyres Execrs & Admrs
joyntly & severally firmly by those prsents Yett the said Marke
Cordea & John Addison or the said Walter Hall late deceased the
said Sume of Twenty one thousand Seven hundred twenty two
pounds of tobacco unto the said Charles Lord Baltemore have not
paid nor either of them hath paid, but the same to pay have denyed
And the said Marke Cordea & John Addison still doe deny, to the
damage of the said Charles Lord Baltemore Twenty Eight thousand
pounds of tobacco, whereupon the said Christopher Rousby who in
this behalfe prosecuteth prayeth the advisem' of the Court in the
prmisses And that the said Marke & John may come into Court to
Answer in & upon the prmisses
And whereupon the said Marke & John by Robert Ridgely their
Attorney come & defend the force & injury when &c and pray hear-
ing of the said writeing obligatory & itt is read unto them They
also pray hearing of the Condicon of the said writing obligatory &
itt is read unto them in these words Vizt The Condicon of this obli-
gacon is such that if the above Marke Cordea Walter Hall & John
Addison or any of them their Execrs or Admrs shall well & truely
pay or cause to be paid unto the said right Honble Charles Calvert
Lord Baron of Baltemore att or upon the tenth day of Decembr next
ensueing the date above written in St Maryes County the Sume of
tenn Thousand eight hundred Sixty & one pounds of good Mrchant-
p. 794