forth of the Court here issueing to Answer
Nehemiah Blakiston gentl one of the Attorneys of the same Court
according to the liberties & priviledges to such like Attorneys & other
Officers & Ministers of the same Court used & allowed of a plea of
trespas upon the case
And whereupon the said Nehemiah Blakiston his Attorney com-
plaineth, that whereas the said Nehemiah is a good true faithfull &
honest man of his Lordpp the right Honble the Lord Propry that now
is, & of the late Lord Propry Cecilius &c. of noble memory, & as a
good true faithfull & honest man hath behaved & governed himselfe
ever since his arrivall in this Province, & from the tyme of his
nativity ever since his arrivall in this Province, & from the tyme of
his nativity as well in the Kingdome of England as in this Province
hitherto hath demeaned & carryed himselfe, so that he hath bin of
good name fame conversation and reputacon, & so hath bin looked
upon deemed esteemed & reputed as well amongst Honble & Venerable
persons as other the Inhabitants of the Kingdome of England &
this Province, & with whom the said Nehemiah in any wise had fel-
lowship by all the tyme aforesaid And also as a faithfull just true &
honest man from the tyme of his nativity without any blemish of
any treason felony robery falsity covin deceipt or any other hurtfull
nime or the suspition of the same hath hitherto remained & continued
unhurt untouched unspotted & unsuspected And whereas Thomas
Gerard Esqr late of the said County of St Maryes deceased takeing
notice of the honest just & upright conversacon Of the said Nehemiah
and of his civill carriage & demeanour towards all persons, the sixth
day of May Anno One thousand six hundred sixty nine the said
Nehemiah with the consent will & good likeing of the said Thomas
Gerard Esqr espoused and marryed Elizabeth daughter of the said
Thomas And in consideration thereof the said Thomas Gerard Esqr
setled upon him the said Nehemiah & his heyres for ever lands &
tenemts of a Very great Value within the said County of St Maryes
And whereas also the said Nehemiah by reason of his honest conver-
sation aforesaid, & his knowledge & skill in the ordering & prosecute-
ing busines att Law as well in the Provintiall Court as in the County
Court of this Province, the said Nehemiah the Nineteenth day of
June in the second yeare of the Dominion of Charles &c was by the
Chiefe Justice & other the Justices of the Provinciall Court elected
constituted & sworne one of the Attorneys of the same Court As
also the day of March in the yeare aforesaid the said Nehe-
miah was by the Justices of St Maryes County Court also elected
constituted and sworne one of the Attorneys of the same Court And
from the tymes aforesaid he hath bin & continued one of the Attor-
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