122 Provincial Court Proceedings, 1678/9.
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neys of both the said Courts, by all which tyme in all manner of
businesses wherein he hath bin imployed in both the said Courts as
Attorney att Law for divers & sundry of the Inhabitants of the said
Province his Clyents, he the said Nehemiah well honestly diligently
& faithfully as their Attorney to his power skill & knowledge by all
the tyme aforesaid without any negligence falsity deceipt or guile
whatsoevr he behaved demeaned & carryed himself e, & their businesses
aforesaid honestly faithfully & justly did doe & dispatch, by meanes
whereof the same Nehemiah as Attorney as well in the said Provin-
ciall Court as in the said County Court of St Maryes and also in
Charles County Court divers great gaines & profitts of divers of the
Inhabitants of this Province his Clients inacting & prosecuteing their
causes by all the tyme aforesaid as well for the comfortable & suffi-
cient sustentacon & maintenance of himselfe & his whole ffamily
justly & honestly he did gaine & gett, as also was likely in a short
tyme to gett & acquire to himselfe a fruitfull increase of wealth.
Notwithstanding which the said Edward Husbands not ignorant of
the prmisses, but thinking contriving & maliciously intending the
same Nehemiah not only in his good name fame creditt & reputacon
wherein before he was, wickedly to hurt detract & make worse, &
also to bring the said Nehemiah into hatred scandall reproach evill
opinion infamy displeasure & distrust as well amongst all Honble
& venerable persons & the Justices & Judges of the same Courts as
also of his Clyents whose Attorney he was, as of all other the Inhabi-
tants of this Province thereby to loose all such profitts gaines &
advantages as he honestly & justly gott & obtained by his place of
an Attorney in all the aforesaid Courts, by which meanes the said
Nehemiah & his whole ffamily must in a short tyme come to penury
& want, but also to bring him the said Nehemiah into per ill of loose-
ing his life in such an odious manner as to be hanged between heaven
& earth as unworthy of both, to loose his bloud as to his Anncestry
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& posterity, to make him a Sonn Of earth without either Anncestor
or heyre, & to forfeit all his Goods & Chattells lands & tenements,
to the intent his wife and Children should be cast out, his houses
pulled downe, his trees eradicated & overthrown, his meadowes
plowed up, & all that he had for comfort delight or sustenance to be
utterly wasted & destroyed, the said Edward Husbands the twelfth
day of June One thousand six hundred Seventy eight att the City
of St Maryes att a Provinciall Court then & there held before his
Lordpps Justices thereunto assigned the said Nehemiah then being
sitting in Court as Attorney there amongst the rest of the Attorneys
of the same Court transacting & managing his Clyents businesses
then in the same Court depending falsly malitiously & without any
colour or cause of any theft felony or robbery by the said Nehemiah
ever comitted, the said Edward the day & yeare aforesaid in the open
Court aforesaid Kenelm Cheseldyn Esqr Attorney Genll of his