itt is considered that the Said Lord Propry recover against the said
Vincent Lowe the aforesaid Sume of two hundred thousand pounds
of tobacco debt And the defend' in mercy &c
Upon the peticon of Elizabeth Smith, that sicknes hath rendred
her unable to labour for her livelyhood, And that she hath no setled
place to abide in, but what the charity of good people doth releive
her withall, & humbly beggd an order of this Court for an yearly
stipend to be paid her in Calvert County where her abode is Where-
upon itt is ordered by the Court here this day to witt the Seventh
day of March in the fourth yeare of the Dominion of Charles Lord
Baltemore &c Annoq Doni 1678 that att the next County Court to be
held in Calvert County, There be such care taken by the Comissionrs
of the said Court of the said Elizabeth, that she may have a yearly
pension for her maintenance, to be paid unto her by the said County,
to be raised att the laying of every County Levy.
Allowed unto Robert Blinkhorne of Calvert County for comeing
goeing & attendance to give his Evidence for Roger Baker against
Margarett Gittings in all fourteen dayes att thirty pounds of tobacco
p day foure hundred & twenty pounds of tobacco