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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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         494                     Index.
         Ships; see also Antilope (ship) ;    Arundel County; see Table   Stavely, James, Cecil and Bal
            Constant John (ship); Do-         of Cases.      timore County merchant,
            ver (ship) ; Hope (ship);       Snell, Tho:, admr.; see Table    228, 330, 331; see also
            John of Minehead (ship);          of Cases; Cornish, Jno.,      Table of Cases.
            Providence (ship) ; Rich-         dec'd.   James, exr.; see Table of
            ard and James (ship);           Soley, George, dec'd, 422; see       Cases; Stiles, Nath:, dec'd.
            Ruth (ship) ; Vine (ship);         also Hatton, Samuel, admr. Stay of actions, 6-7.
            Warrwell (ship).                Solly, Benja., deceased, 224; see  Staynes, John; see Table of
         Shipley, Adam; see Table of           also Solly, Lydia, admrx.    Cases; Archives, LXVI.
           Cases.           Lidia; see Table of Cases.     [Steelyards] Stilliards, Value
         Shipway, Jno:, 372.                 Lydia, admrx.; see Table of    of, 34.
         Shoes, Value of, 34.                 Cases.
         Shot, Value of, 33.                Solomon, Robert, of St. Mary's     Steers, Bargain over, 312.
         Show cause; see Scire facias,        County, marksman, 219, 220. Stephens, Edward, marksman,
           Writ of.        Somerset County, Clerk of, 91;     104.
         Shrimpton, Mr. Samuel, of New         see also Beauchamp, Ed-    Sterling; see Tobacco and ster
           England, xxxiii, 245, 247.         mund.     ling.
         Shuttleworth, Barnabas, of Bris-    Deputy surveyor of, 91, 131,  Debt of, 58, 257.
           tol, mariner; see Table of          232, 233; see also Jenkins,     Stevens, William, Justice of
           Cases.            ffrancis.        Dorchester County, 356.
         Sibrey, Jonathan, sheriff of Ce-    Sheriff of, 51, 131, 146, 222,    Stiles, Nath:, deceased, 41; see
           cil County, xiv, 89, 430, 440;      232, 369, 370, 372; see also       also Stockett, Henry, &
            see also Table of Cases.          Walker, Thomas.     Stavely, James, exrs.
         Simpson, Thomas; see Table of          Amercing of, 58, 251.     Still, Axel, 304.
           Cases.           Trouble with Indians in, 146.  Stockett, Henry; see Table of
          William, manservant, 234.         Sparrow, Solornan; see Table    Cases.
         Singleton, William, deceased,        of Cases.     Henry, exr.; see Table of
           38; see also Turner, Ed-          Thomas; see Table of Cases.    Cases; Stiles, Nath:, dec'd.
           ward, exr.      Special bail; see Bail, Special.     Stockings; see Hose.
         Skillington, Thomas, sub-sheriff   Spink, Thomas, constable of   Stone, John, of Charles County,
           of Talbot County, 51.              St. Inigo's Hundred, 46,      236; see also Table of Cases.
         Sloopman (mariner), 59, 164.         455; see also Table of  Margery, [Mrs. Mathew],
         Slye, Gerard, 4, 255, 265; see       Cases; Pinke, Thomas.     extrx.; see also Table of
            also Table of Cases.             Thos, admr.; see Table of      Cases; Stone, Mathew.
          Dwelling plantation of, in          Cases; Paine, Jane, dec'd.   Mathew, deceased, 11, 65; see
           St. Clement's Bay, 121.          Spinke, Thomas; see Table of     also Stone, Margery, extrx.
          Capt. Gerard, 18.                   Cases; Spink; Pinke.   Stone colt (stallion), Value of,
          Gerard, sheriff of St. Mary's     Sprigg, Thomas, 70, 74, 174,    393.
           County, 63, 219, 220, 413,          175, 191, 260; see also Table   Store in Charles County, 122.
            421; see also Table of            of Cases.    Story, ffrancis, servant, xxvii,
           Cases.          Sprye, Henry, of St. Mary's        294-295.
          John, of St. Mary's County,         County, 219, 220. Subpoena, Disrespect to, Pen-
            414; see also Table of          Squire, Jonathan, admr.; see    alty for, 446.
           Cases.            Table of Cases; Morecroft,     Fee for serving, 227.
         Smith, Daniel, 4.   Jno., deceased.      To answer errors, 141.
          Edward; see Table of Cases.       Stagg, Thomas, of St. Mary's  Sugar, Muscavado, 316.
          George, 360.       County, 219, 220, 324, 380,    Payment of debt in, 127.
          Henry, chirurgeon, of Somer-        394, 402, 403, 405, 417.     Price of, 178, 352, 412.
           set County; see Table of         Stairs, Bennit; see Table of   Seizure of, 244.
           Cases.            Cases.         Suicide, xxvi, xxxiii, 246, 420;
          John, 63.        Stallion; see Stone colt,     see also Archives, LXVI,
          Robert, of Talbot County,
            231.           Stanesby, Jno.; see Table of       136-137.
          Thomas, St. Mary's County           Cases.  Suit, Composition of, 62; see
           sloopman and planter, 248,        Jno., admr.; see Table of       also Cause, Settlement of,
           256, 302, 312, 325, 380, 394,      Cases; Stansby.     by agreement.
            403, 405, 417; see also Table   Stanley, Jno., 260, 336, 417; see  Sulivant, Denis; see Table of
           of Cases,          also Table of Cases.      Cases.
          William, of Calvert County,        Stansby, John, of Baltimore  Patrick; see Table of Cases.
           226; see also Table of              County, chirurgeon; see Summons, To appear and pro-
           Cases.            Table of Cases; Stanesby.      duce papers, 89.

         Smith (blacksmith), 261-262.        Staplefort, Raymond, of Dor- To appear and testify, 26.
         Smith shop, as part of a mes-         chester County; see Table  Failure to issue, 352.
           suage, 442.       of Cases.       Fee for serving, 227.
         Smithson, Thor, attorney [at        Statute of limitations, of April Sunday, Illegality of writs exe
           Iaw?i, 441; see also Table          1669, 200, 328; see also Ar-     cuted on, 42.
           of Cases.          chives, II, 201-202, for Sunderlaend, John, 322, 413, 415,
         Smithwick, Thomas, of Anne            text of law.      416.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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