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Index. 493 Rum, Price of, 178, 316, 412. Recovery of, 220, 221. Servants, Absenting of selves Rumsey, James, of Calvert Salter (tradesman), 303, 44!. from service, xxiv, 25, 227, County; see Table of Cases. Sanders, Wm.; see Table of 446. James, exr., 207; see also Cases. Age of, Determination of, by Table of Cases; Trulock, Sanders; see Sannders; Saun- Court, XXV, 446 Henry, dec'd. ders. Arraignment of, for causing Rundletts (barrels), 33. Saunders; see Saunders; San- death, 289. Russell, John; see Table of ders. Bond to deliver, xxviii, 377. Cases. By covenant, 272. William; see Table of Cases. Satisfaction, Acknowledgment Defaulter on bond, to become, of: see Acknowledgment of 324. William, admr. also satisfaction. Forcible possession of, by an- Table of Cases; Chandler, Denial of having had, 215. other, 420. Thomas, deceased. Russia leather chairs, Replevin Saunders (Sanders, Sannders), Freeing of, by Chancellor, of, 234. John, of Charles County 299. Ruth (ship), of London, 33, 36. and Bristol, England, 287; Misusage of, by master, Ryder, Henry, of St. Mary's see also Table of Cases. xxvi, 420-421. County, 388, 397; see also John, of Charles County, 446. Petition of, for freedom, 25, Table of Cases, Wynne, Saunders; see Sanders, Sann- 227, 420. Tho:. ders. Protection of, against maim Sauvage, Edward, 174, 175, 191. ing, 226. St. Clement's Hundred, St. Saws, crosscut, Value of, 34, Replevin of, xxviii, 234. Mary's County, 90 377 Sayer, Peter, of Talbot County, Sale of the time of, 299, 312, St. Clement's Manor, St. Mary's229, 358; see also Table of 420. County, 219, 220. Cases; Morgan, Henry. Skill of, in administering St. George's Hundred, St. Peter, attorney, 132, 326; see physic, 180. Mary's County, 86. also Table of Cases. Suicide of, xxvi, 420. St. Inagoe; see St. Inigo. Scales, brass, Value of, 34; see Taking and converting of, xxviii, 280-281. St. Inigo's Hundred, St. Mary's also Steelyard. Unjust detaining of, 234. County, 46, 237. Scire facias, Writ of, 42, Unlawful disposal as, xxvi, 26. “St. Jeromes Thicket,” St. 58, 75, 135, 220, 221, 222, Value of, xxix, 81, 178, 198, Mary's County, 455. 223, 224, 238, 249, 253, 287, 272, 299, 312. St. John Baptist, Feast of [,Au- 430, 434, 438, 456, 457, Woman, Replevin of, 234. gust 281, 304. Non-service of, 236. Shankes, John, 63. St. Mark the Evangelist, Feast Fee for serving, 227. Shepheard, John, of St. Mary's of [April 25], 369. Schooling; see Education. County, marksman, 219. St. Mary's County, Clerk of, Schoolmaster, Employment of, 220; see also Table of 447; see also Manley, John. 154-155. Cases. Coroner of, 414. Seamen's wages, Satisfaction of, Sheriff, Amercing of, 40, 42, 47; Justices of, 29, 90, 378. 36. see also counties by name. Sheriff of, 6, 29, 42, 43, 44, Seaward, Josias; see Table of As custodian of persons, 46, 51, 52, 57, 62, 219, 220, 221, Cases. 211, 228, 229, 230, 429, 446; 224, 225, 228, 231, 248, 253, Seayre, Joseph, deceased, 334; see also Bail, Special. 256, 260, 261, 287, 302, 32!, see also Bleeke, Edward, Bond of, Suit upon, 16-i8, 421, 324, 362, 380, 382, 383384, admr. 430. 394, 402, 403, 405, 413, 415, Security, Giving of, 125, 126, Duties of, 17, 421. 437, 445, 455; see also Slye, Gerard; Hill, Clement. 140, 155-156, 234; see also For failing to return writs, Sureties. XIV, 436. Amercing of, 42, 58, 135, Not to maim servant, 226. Failure of, to appear when 204, 210, 214, 436. To obey Court order, 226. called, 255. Failure of, to produce prisoner committed to Sedgwick, Ralph, see Table of To produce prisoner corn- Cases mitted to him, 429. him, 429. Fees to, 36, 227-228. Prison of, 229, 309, 310. Self-seeking, Insinuation of, 247. Fees due, Petition for, 29. Summonsing of jury by, Semme, Marmaduke, of St. Liability of, 255. 4, 70, 155, et passim; Mary's County, 4; sec also Private suit by, on official see also Jury. Table of Cases. bond, 443. Under-sheriff of, 42, 421; see Sencerfe, Walter; see Table of Refusal of, to pay public levy also Wynn, Thomas. Cases. allowance, 421. St. Mary's Hundred, 46. Senscerfe, Ja: ; see Table of Return of attachment by, 50- St. Michael's Hundred, St. Cases; Sencerfe. Mary's County, 197, 396. Sequestration, Writ of, XXXII, Swearing in of, 446. Salmon, Thomas, Cecil County 33, 36. See also Counties by name; innholder, deceased, 50; see Serge cloth, Value of, 35. Vic[omes]. also Stavely, James, & Serge suits, Value of, 35. Sherwood, Hugh; see Table of Stockett, Henry, exrs. Serjeant, John, 231, 232. Cases. Salsbury, Wm., 310. Mary ( ) Norman, Mrs. Ship hire, 33. Salt, Price of, 178. John, 231, 232. Tonnage, Letting of, 404. |
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