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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
Volume 67, Page 495   View pdf image (33K)
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                                     Index.                  495
             Sunderland, John, of the Clifts,   449; see also Ejectment, Tobacco, Conveying of, from
               Calvert Co'ty; see Table of        Action in.     sheriff's custody, 344, 345,
               Cases; Humes, James, de-          Absence of, 360, 425.     346.
               ceased,        Tender, Claim of having made,     Levying of, in execution, 344.
             Supersdeas, 44, 178, 206, 354;       381.     Place for the delivery of, 7,
                see also Writ of error.         Tenehill (Tenehell), Andrew,    14, 15 see also Waterside.
             Sureties, Appearance of, 43, 44,     of Calvert County, 424; see  Rate of pay for collecting of,
                229, 230.        also Table of Cases.        71, 76.
             Surety, For man under special      Tennison (Tenison), Jno.,      Receipt of, for another, 145.
               bail, 43, 46, 229, 309, 310,       marksman, 63, 324, 417; see  Seizure of, for rent, 345, 348,
               455.              also Table of Cases.       349.
              Recovery against, 9                Jno., th'elder; see Table of  See alsa Oronoco tobacco.
              To indemnify the Court, 57.         Cases.  Tobacco and sterling, Relation
             Surety; see Security.               Justinian, of St. Mary's       of, 36, 169.
             Surname (Beall, Bell), Pronun-       County; see Table of Cases. Todd, Robert, St. Mary's
               ciation of, 450.                 Thirston; see Thurston.    County carpenter, 401.
             Sweatnam (Swetnam), Richard,             Thor exr., 310; see also Table
                287; see also Table of          Thomas, Jno., deceased, 47;     of ‘Cases; Todd, Tho:, de
               Cases             see also [Doyne,J Mary   ceased.
                                       ) Thomas?], Thor, deceased, of Cecil
             “Sweetwood,” Somerset County,        admr.   County, 285, 310 see also
             448.               Solomon of Calvert County;     Todd, Thor, exr.
             Swetnam; see Sweatnam.             see Ta'ble of Cases.     Tole (name) ; see Tolle.
                               Wm., 70, 74, 155, 166, 171,     Tolle, Roger, 174, 175, 191 ; see
             Taillor, Col. Thomas, justice of      172, 181, 182, 191, 199, 221,      also Table of Cases.
               Dorchester County and              231.    Tolson, William, Commissioner
               sheriff, xi, xiii, 47, 143, 343, Thomison, James; see Table of   of Cecil County, 331.
               344, 345, 347, 348, 349, 425,      Cases.  Tomison; see Thomison.
               454, 455; see also Taylor,       Thompson, George, attorney, 91;    Tongs, tobacco, Value of, 33.
                                 see also Table of Cases. Tothays Creek, Calvert County,
             Tailor (workman), 205.              James, 307, 439.     423, 424; see also Broad
             Talbot County, Coroner of, 434;
                see also Robins, George.         James, admr.; see Table of     Creek, Calvert County.
              Court of, Appeal from, 64,          Cases; Green, Wm., dec'd.   Toulson, Thomas, London mer
               206.            Robert: see Table of Cases,       chant; see Table of Cases.
              Sheriff of, 43, 45, 50, 51, 56,   Thorpe, Roger, deceased, 22, 27,    William, 9.
               97, 99, 136, 223, 254, 255,        47; see also English, Ed-   Tovey, Samuel, 36.
               303, 441; see also Lowe,           ward, admr.   Samuel, admr.; see Table of
               Col. Vincent.  [Thurston] Thirston, Thor;    Cases; Atcheson, Vincent,
                 Amercing of, xv, 40, 47,          see Table of Cases.   Tradesman; see Boatwright;
                  51, 112, 117, 173, 208,       Tilghman, Mary (      Bookkeeper; Bricklayer;
                    213, 214, 273, 429, 435.      Mrs. Richard; see Table of    Butcher' Cooper; Salter;
                 Failure of, to appear, 255.      Cases.    Smith: Tailor; Tanner.
             [Taney] Tawney, Michael, Cal-       Mary, [Mrs. Richard] extrx.; Trading Branch (now Kings
               vert County innholder, 70,          see Table of Cases; Tilgh-   Creek), Somerset County,
                74, 455; see also Table of        man, Richard, deceased.        372.
               Cases.          Richard, deceased, 27; see also The Trading Point, Somerset
             Tankerly, George; see Table of       Tilghman, Mary, [Mrs.    County, 368.
               Cases.           Richard,] extrx.     Traverse, Wm., 115.
             Tanner (workman), 323.             Tilley (Tilly), Joseph, of Cal-    [Treaty] with the Nanticokes,
             Tarleton, Edward; see Table of       vert County, 243, 244 see     248; for the text, see Ar
               Cases.            also Table of Cases.       chives, XV, 173-174.
             Tasker, Thomas, of Calvert         “Tillington,” Calvert County, Tredavon Creeke, Talbot
               County, 68, 132, 133, 438.         234.      County, 101, 102, 103, 104,
             Tawney; see Taney.                 “Timber Neck,” Baltimore   105.
             Taylor, James; see Table of          County. Trees, Obligation to plant, 423.
               Cases.         Tinsly, Thor, of Calvert County, Tregoe, Wm.; see Table of
              Michael; see Table of Cases.        marksman, 243, 244.      Cases.
              Robt.; see Table of Cases.        Tite (Tyte), George, 91; see  Tripp, Henry, Justice of Dor

              (Taillor), Thomas; see Table         also Table of Cases.    chester County, 356.
               of Cases.      Tithables, List of Act to re-    Trover and conversion, Plea of;
              William, of Talbot County;          quire posting of, 90; see      see Plea, of Trover and con-
                see Table of Cases.                also Archives, II, 538-539   version.
             Taylour, William; see Table of       for text of Act.  Trulock, Henry of Cecil County,
               Cases.         Toate, Josias; see Table of   deceased, 207; see also
             Tenant in possession, 101, 115,      Cases.    Rumsey, James, exr.
                231, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307,    Robert, of St. Mary's County;     Truman, Thomas, of Calvert
               308, 359, 360, 369, 425, 448,       see Table of Cases.     County; see Table of Cases.

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1677-1678
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