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Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675. 7 Thimbleby from all just Claymes in Lawe whatsoever wth the Con- Liber N N sent of his said wife Margarett Browne as by the said Patent & Assignmt thereof to us now pduced may more att large Appeare, & being so Seized & possessed of the lands & prmisses he the said Jno Thimbleby made his last Will & Testamt in writing dated the second day of Decembr 1659 & therein & thereby amongst other things did Devise & Bequeath unto Mary Brown his God Daughter all his land & houseing that he had or was possesed of within the said Prov- ince & not longe after to witt about Seaventeene yeares since the said John Thimbleby dyed without any Issue of his body Lawfully begotten or any heyres that the Jurors know of And the said Jurors doe upon their Oaths further say That after the Decease of the said John Thimbleby the said Wm Browne that had the Guardianshipp of her the said Mary dureing the Minority of her the said Mary did enter unto & became Seized & possessed of the said lands & prmisses & held the same & received the profitts thereof until about the last day of ffebruary Annoq Dni 1665 about which tyme the said Wm Browne dyed haveing left W John Warren & Mr Edward Clarke in his last Will & Testament Guardians of her the said Mary Browne, & the said Mr Jno Warren & M' Edward Clarke by vertue thereof did Enter into & became possessed & Seized of the said lands & prmisses Received the proffits thereof untill such tyme as she the p. 5 said Mary Intermarryed with Thomas Kertley, & they the said Thomas & Mary in Right of her the said Mary held & enjoye the prmisses & Receiued the profitts thereof untill the tyme of the death of the said Mary who dyed about Eight Months since leaving Issue behinde her of her body lawfully begotten by the said Thomas one Wm Kertley an Infant under age her Sonn & heyre & after the death of the said Mary the said Tho: Kertley Enterred into the lands & prmisses & Received the pfi[tts] thereof untill about the last day of Septembr last past about which tyme the said Wm Kertley Sonn & heyre of the said Mary dyed also to whom the said Thomas was ffather & Guardian by Vertue of which he held & Enjoyed the lands & prmisses aforesaid after the death of the said Mary And the said Jurors doe say that the said Lands & prmisses are now in the possesion of the said Thomas Kertley, And that the said Lands & ptmisses as the same are now Improued are worth foure hundred pounds of Tobacco p Annum over & aboue the said Rent Reserved his Lordpp & that of any other lands or Tenemts besides the aforementioned the said Jurors say that they never knew any the said Thimbleby ever had In Testimony whereof aswell the said Cothissionhs as the Jurors afore- said hereunto putt their hands & Seales the day & yeare first above written. J n° Jourdaine Seald • Comission J n° w Warren Sealed |
Volume 66, Page 7 View pdf image (33K) |
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