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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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                  8         Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675.

            Liber N N
                     the marke of                  the marke of
                                 George * Medley    (sealed)
                    Peter P Mills   (sealed)      the marke of
                    Jno Davis (seald)wm + Medley    (sealed)

                     the marke of
                                        Henry Taylor    (Sealed)
                    Robt Thomas(seald)Richard Gary      (Sealed)
                    Jno Medley(seald)the marke of

                     the marke of
                                        Wm    Cole       (seald)
                    Robert X Cooper (Sealed) the marke of
                    John Herd    (sealed)
                                        James   Greenwell (Sealed)
                    Which being Read & heard att a Provincll Court held att the Citty
                  of St Maryes the 16th day of Novembt in the 44th yeare of the
                  Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Dni 1675 Itt is the Judgmt of the
                  Court here that the One hundred & fifty acres of la[nd] in the
                  Inquisicon mencofled lying on the North of Potomacke River bound-
                  ing on the West with a Creeke of the said River called Pikeocomoco
                  Creeke on the South of the land late in the possession of John
                  Medley on the North with the land late of John Shercliffe on the
                  East with a line drawne North from a marked tree standing East
                  from the head of Medleys branch One hundred & Seaventy pches
                  untill itt fall into land late in the possession of Jno Shercliffe is
                  Escheated unto his Lordpp the Lord Proprietary for want of heyre.

                    This Indenture made the 24th day of Novembr in the 44th yeare of
                  the Dominion of Caecilius &c Annoq Dm 1675 By & betweene John
                  Halle of St Maryes County gentt of the one part And Charles
                  DeLaroche of the Citty of St Maryes Inholder of the other part
                  Wittnesseth That the said John Halle for & in Consideracon of the
                  Sume of two Thousand pounds of good sound Mrchantable Tobacco
                  to him in hand att & before the Ensealing & delivery of these prsents
                  by the said Charles DeLaroche well & truely paid whereby the said
                  John Halle doth Acknowledge the Receipte thereof & of every part
                  & parcell thereof doth cleerly Acquitt & Discharge the said Charles
                  DeLaroche & every of them for ever by these prsents Hath Graunted
                  Bargained Sold Enfeoffed Confirmed & by these prsents for himself e
                  his heyres Execrs & Admrs doth fully cleerly & absolutely Give Graunt
                  Alien Enfeoffe & Confirme unto him the said Charles DeLaroche
                  his heyres and Assignes forever All that tract or parcell of land for-
                  merly called Betty's ffolly but now Gallaway lying & being in
                  St Maryes County & on the East side of a peice of land formerly laid
                  out for Thomas Innes Begining att the bound red Oake of the said
                  land standing by a branch side called the Hill branch & thence with
                  a line drawne South East for the length of fifty perches to a bound
                  red bud Tree in the line of the said land, thence with a line drawne
                  East North East for the length of One hundred Thirty five perches
                  to a bound white Oake standing on a barren plaine, thence with a

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 8   View pdf image (33K)
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