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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 6   View pdf image (33K)
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                   6         Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675.

            Liber N N  &c Annoq Dm 1675 att the house of Thomas Kertley scituate neer
                   Brittane Bay in the County of St Maryes in the Province of Mary-
                   land by vertue of a Comission in the nature of a Mandamus Issued
                   out of his LordPPs High Court of Chancery to us John Jourdaine &
                   John Warren genti directed by the Oathes of Twelue good & lawfull
                   men of St Maryes County to Enquire what lands & Tenemts John
                   Thimbleby late of the same County Decd held in his Demesne as of
                   ffee att the tyme of his death, & of what Mannor & by what services,
                   & how much those lands or Tenemts are of value by the yeare in all
                   Issues, & att what tyme the said Jno Thimbleby dyed, & who is the
                   next heyre, & of what age the heyre is, & who the sd lands or Tenemts
                   from the tyme of the death of the said Jno Thimbleby haue or doe
                   [possess] & the Issues or profitts thereof have or doe Receive, & by
                   what title, & how, & in what manner We doe by the Oaths of Peter
                   Mills, John Davis, Robert Thomas, Jno Medley, Robert Cooper,
                   Jno Herd, Geo. Medley, Wm Medley, Henry Taylor, Richard Gary,
                   Wm Cole & James Greenwell who being all duely sworne say as
                     That the Right Honble the Lord Province did by his Patent under
                   the great Seale of the said Province beareing date the 28th day of
                   January in the yeare of our Lord God 1649 Giue Grant & Enfeoffe
                   unto John Thimbleby & Wm Browne their heyres & Assigns All that
                   pcell of land lying on the North side of Potomoke River bounding on
                   the West with a Cove of the said River called Pickocomico Creeke,
                   on the South with the land then in the possession of Jno Medley,
                   upon the North with the land then in the possession of Jno Sherclife,
                   on the East with a line drawne North from a marked tree standing
                   East from the head of Medleys branch One hundred & Seaventy pches
                   untill itt fall into the land then in the possession of the said Jno
                   Shercliffe Conteyning & then laid out for One hundred & fifty acres
                   more or lesse with all the Appurtennces to the same belonging To
                   haue & to hold the same lands & prmisses unto them the said John
                   Thimbleby & Wm Browne their heyres & Assignes for euer To be
                   holden of the Mannor of West St Marys in free & comon Soccage
                   by fealty only for all manner of services Yeilding & paying therefore
                   yearely to his Lordpp three shillings sterl or one bushell & half e of
                   good Corne att the Nativity of our Lord By vertue of which Graunt
                   or Patent the said Jurors doe upon their Oaths say that the said
                   John Thimbleby & Wm Browne became Seized & possessed of the
                   prmisses, & being so Seized & possessed of the said prmisses the said
                   Wm Browne did by writing under his hand & under the hand of
                   Margarett Browne his wife dated the tenth day of Novemb' but in
                   what yeare they cannot say noe yeare being menconed Indorsed on
                   the backside of the said Patent Assigne all his Right & Interest of
                   & into the prmisses to the said John Thimbleby his heyres & As-
                   signes forever, & did warrant the said land unto the said John

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 6   View pdf image (33K)
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