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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 463   View pdf image (33K)
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                   Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     463

         the 14th day of ffebruary Ano Dom 1675 in due forme of Law by Liber N N
         the Honble Philip Calvert Esq judge for probate of Wills & granting
         administrations committed to the said Henry By vertue whereof he
         possessed himselfe of the said Coffins Estate which were only the
         mare & cattle aforesaid which he caused to be appraised & an inven-
         tory thereof returned into the Office for probate of Wills &c and
         hath given security to be responsable to the said Judge for the said
         deceased estate for payment of Creditors & the Orphants of the
         said Coffin & because the same mare & Cattle were the proper goods
         of the said Coffin to whom he is admrs as aforesd he doth well justifie
         the takeing & deteineing the Cattle aforesaid & of this he putts him-
         selfe on the Country & the said John likewise Whereupon it is
         comanded the Sheriff that he cause to come here twelve &c.
          Now here at this day to wit the seaven & twentith day of April
         1677 came the partyes aforesaid by their Attornyes & the jurors of
         that jury also came to wit Thomas Pattison Thomas Potter Thomas
         Keyting Jno Brookes Jno Garnish Joseph Hackney Lewis Blangy
         Constant Daniell Elias Beech Jno Stephens Thomas Kemp & Thomas
         Bowdell who being impannelled summoned & Sworne to say the truth
         in the prmisses & heard all evidence thereunto relateing upon their
         Oathes doe say Wee of the jury doe find for the plaintiff damages
         three thousand & eight hundred pounds of tobacco with costs.
         Whereupon it is granted by the Court here that the said John Hyland
         recover against the Said Henry Ward aswell the summe of three
         thousand & eight hundred pounds of tobacco damages occasioned
         by the trespas aforesaid as also the summe of eleaven hundred forty
         nine pounds of tobacco costs of suite

        Marke Cordea John Harris late of Calvert County marriner was
            agt attached to answer unto Marke Cordea of a plea of
        John Harris trespas upon the case
                    And whereupon the said Marke by Robert Ridgely
         his Attorny complaineth that whereas the said John Harris the
         thirtith day of March 1676 in consideration that the said Marke
         Cordea being possessed of a certaine Sloop fitt to carry & transport
         tobacco would hire the Said Sloop to the said John to doe such
         business as the said John should employ her about the said John
         did assume upon himselfe & to the said Mark did faithfully prom-
         ise that for every month the said Sloop should be in his service
         he would content & pay the said Marke ten pounds sterling and so
         proportionable for a larger or Short time And the said Marke in
         fact saith that the said John the said Sloop into pay at the rate
         aforesaid received the first day of April then next following & her
         in his service Kept & imployed from the said first day of April untill
         the eleaventh day of May then next following being One month One
         weeke & six dayes which at the rate of ten pounds p month as afore

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 463   View pdf image (33K)
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