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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 462   View pdf image (33K)
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                  462        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.

           Liber N N  have not paid but the same to pay have denyed & gainsayd & to pay
                  the same as yet doe deny & gainsay to the damage of the said Robert
                  two thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he produceth his suite.
                    And the said John by Keneim Cheseldyn his Attorny cometh &
                  defendeth the force & injury when &c & saith nothing in barr of the
                  action aforesaid of him the said Robert in forme aforesaid brought
                  Whereupon it is granted by the Court here the first & twentith day
                  of April 1677 That the said Robert Ridgely recover against the
                  estate of the said Margaret Penry the summe of sixteen hundred
                  pounds of tobacco damages occasioned by the trespas aforesaid as
                  also five hundred thirty six pounds of tobacco costs of Suite.

                  John Quigley
                  Garret Vansweringen
                                Jno Quigley
                                John Baker
                                      these foure causes are agreed.
                  Kenelm Cheseldyn
                  John Irland
                  John Darnall
                  Jno Edmondson & Wm Dare

             p. 289 John   Hyland Henry Ward late of Cecil County Gent was Sumoned
                      agt to answer unto John Hyland of a plea wherefore he
                 Henry Ward tooke the Cattle of him the said John Hyland & them
                            unjustly deteined against Suertyes & pledges &c.
                    And whereupon the said John Hyland by Robert Ridgely his At-
                  torny complaines that the aforesaid Henry Ward the thirtenth day
                  of July in the yeare of Our Lord 1675 at Cecil County aforesaid
                  tooke the Cattle that is to say a black mare five Cowes and two
                  Calves being the proper Cattle of him the said John Hiland & them
                  unjustly deteined against suertyes & pledges untill &c whereupon he
                  Saith he is dampnified & hath damage to the value of six thousand
                  pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite.
                    And the said Henry by Robert Carvile his Attorny cometh &
                  defendeth the force & injury when &c & saith he doth well avow
                  the takeing & deteineing the said Cattle & Mare aforesaid for that
                  he saith that One Abraham Coffin deceased being in his life time to
                  witt in the month of June in the yeare of Our Lord 1674 possessed
                  as his Owne proper Goods & Chattells of the said black mare five
                  Cowes & two calves in the declaration mentioned he the said Abraham
                  Coffin dyed so possessed intestate after whose death Letters of ad-
                  ministration of the goods & chattells of the said deceased were upon

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 462   View pdf image (33K)
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