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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 464   View pdf image (33K)
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                  464        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.

            Liber N N  said amounts unto the summe of fourteen pounds fourteen shillings
                   & five pence Sterling Yet the aforesd John his promise & assumption
                   so as aforesaid made not regarding but deviseing & fraudulently
                   intending him the said Marke of the said summe of fourteen pounds
               p. 290  foureteen shillings & five pence so due as aforesaid to deceive & de-
                   fraud the said fourteen pounds fourteen shillings & five pence to him
                   the said Marke though often thereunto required the said John re-
                   fused & Still doe refuse to pay & Satisfie to the damage of the said
                   Marke Cordea twenty pounds Sterling & thereupon he bringeth his
                    And the said John Harris by Robert Carvile his Attorny cometh
                   & defendeth the force & injury when &c & saith he did not assume
                   upon himselfe in manner & forme as is above declared & of this he
                   putts himselfe upon the Country & the said Marke Cordea likewise
                   Whereupon it is comãnded the Sheriff that he cause to come here
                   twelve &c.
                    Now here at this day to wit the seaven & twentith day of April
                   1677 came the partyes aforesaid by their said Attornyes & the jurors
                   of that jury likewise came to wit Thomas Pattison Thomas Potter
                   Thomas Keyting John Brookes Jno Garnish Joseph Hackney Lewis
                   Blangy Constant Daniell Elias Beech Jno Stephens Thomas Kemp
                   Thomas Bowdell who being impannelled SumOned & Sworne & the
                   defendants engagement under his hand wherein he acknowledgeth
                   to have hired of the plaintiff a Sloop for which he was to pay the
                   plaintiff after the rate of ten pounds Sterling p month being pro-
                   duced in Court, upon their Oathes doe say Wee of the jury find for
                   the plaintiff fourteen poundo fourteen shillings five pence with costs.

                   Whereupon it is granted by the Court here that the said Marke
                   Cordea recover against the said John Harris aswell the summe of
                   fourteen pounds fourteen Shillings & five pence Sterling as also the
                   quantity of One thousand and Eight pounds of tobacco costs of

                   Wm Cannaday Johanna ffarrer late of St Maries County widdow
                      agt was attached to answer unto Wm Cannaday of a
                   Johanna ffarrer plea of trespas upon the case.
                               And whereupon the said Wm Cannaday by Rob-
                   ert Ridgely his Attorny complaineth that whereas the Said Johanna
                   the first day of November 1675 in consideration that he the Said
                   Wm at the Speciall instance & request of the said Johanna would be
                   at the charge & trouble of the funerall of her husband Robert ffarrer
                   decd & also entertaine her as a boarder in his house & be assistant to
                   her at the proveing of the will of her said Husband & the apprais-
                   ment of her said husbands estate did assume upon her selfe & to
                   the said Wm did faithfully promise that she would pay him the said
                   William what he should lay Out expend & reasonably deserve And

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 464   View pdf image (33K)
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