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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 461   View pdf image (33K)
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                   Provincial Court Proceedings, 1676.     461

         pounds of tobacco to him the said Robert though often thereunto Liber N N
         required according to the tenor of the said bill Obligatory hath not
         paid but the same to pay hath denyed & as yet doth deny whereupon p. 288
         the said Robert saith he is dampnified & hath lost to the value of
         three thousand pounds of tobacco & thereupon he bringeth his suite.
           And the said Stephen by Kenelm Cheseldyn his Attorny cometh
         & defendeth the force & injury when &c & saith nothing in barr of
         the action aforesaid of him the said Robert but is content yt judg-
         ment passe against him for the debt aforesaid when assetts Where-
         upon it is considered by the Court here the five & twentith day of
         April 1677 That the said Robert Ridgely recover against the estate
         of the said John Balley aswell the summe of two thousand eight
         hundred pounds of tobacco the debt aforesaid as also the summe of
         five hundred thirty & six pounds of tobacco costs of suite but so as
         execution stay untill assetts.

         Robert Ridgely John Irland admr of all & Singular the goods
         agt chattells rights & Creditts which were of Mar-
         John Irland admr garet Penry decd was attached to answer unto
         Margaret Penry Robert Ridgely One of the Attornyes of the
                      Provinciall Court according to the libertyes &
         priviledges &c allowed of a plea of trespas upon the case
           And whereupon the said Robert in his proper person complaineth
         That whereas the said Margaret the fourtenth day of ffebruary 1674
         in consideration that the said Robert Ridgely would be her Attorny
         at Law to manage any cause she should imploy him in, she the said
         Margaret did assume upon her self e & to the said Robert did faith-
         fully promise that for his care & paines in & about her said cause
         or causes she the said Margaret would pay unto the said Robert
         his just ffees The said Robert in fact saith that afterwards to wit
         the fiftenth day of ffebruary then next following & the six & twentith
         day of November then next following he the said Robert did at her
         suite & by her particular Order & request Sue out of the Provinciall
         Court foure writs that is to say two of the same upon several actions
         against Jacob Young & One more against John Vanheck Executrix
         of Thomas Howell & the last against John Howell also executr of
         the said Thomas Howell deceased which said writs he the said
         Ridgely did prosecute according to the order of the said Margaret
         & for his ffees in each of the same causes there properly appurteines
         to the said Ridgely as his fee foure hundred pounds of tobacco in
         all sixteen hundred pounds of tobacco according to act of Assembly
         in that case provided Yet the aforesaid Margaret in her life time
         nor the said John Since her death to whom admcon of all & Singular
         the goods chattells rights & Creditts which were of the said Margaret
         since her death hath been committed the said Sixteen hundred pounds
         of tobacco to him the said Robert though often thereunto required

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 461   View pdf image (33K)
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