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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 131   View pdf image (33K)
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                  Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675.     131

        causes & Consideracons them thereunto moveing Have Bargained Liber N N
        Sold Given Granted Assigned & sett over And doe by these prsents
        Bargaine Sell Give Grant Assigne & sett over unto the said Richd
        Roberts his heyres & Assignes To the only proper use & behoofe of
        the said Richard Roberts his heyres & Assignes forever All that
        peice or parcell of land in Petuxent River called Taylorsby lying on
        the Northside the said River neere a Creeke called Prestons Creeke
        & on the East side of the said Creeke Begining att a marked Oake
        next Adjoyning unto the land of Henry Hooper Planter, runing
        North upp the Creeke for the length of One hundred perches to a
        marked Oake, bounding on the North with a line drawne East from
        the said Oake for the length of three hundred perches to a marked
        Oake, on the East with a line drawn South unto the land of the said
        Hooper on the South with the said land, on the West with the Creeke
        Conteyning & now laid out to Conteyne two hundred acres more or
        lesse Together with all houses buildings wayes passages profitts Co-
        modityes & Advantages whatsoever thereunto belonging which said
        parcell of land was Granted by Patent under the Seale of the Pro-
        prietor of this Province dated att St Maryes the three & Twentieth p. 82
        day of Septembr Anno Dni One Thousand six hundred fifty nine to
        John Taylor And likewise all that peice of land on the Northside of
        Petuxent River comonly called or knowne by the name of Toms'
        Point Adjoyning to the land of Henry Hooper which said land is
        bounded in with a branch on the East side of the land which said
        land was Conveyed by Henry Hooper & Sarah his wife to John
        Taylor & Wm Jones by a certaine writing bearing date the sixth day
        of January One Thousand six hundred fifty seaven as by the said
        writing & Patent aforesaid relacon being thereunto had itt doth
        more att large appeare Together with all wayes passages profitts
        Cothodityes and Advantages whatsoever thereunto belonging or
        apperteyning All which two peices of land now are or lately were
        in tenure Occupacon or possession of the said Raymond Stapelfort
        or his Assignes To have & to hold the said Bargained prmises with
        their & every of their apptennces unto the said Richard Roberts his
        heyres & Assignes To the only proper use & behoofe of the said
        Richard Roberts his heyres & Assignes for ever And the said Ray-
        mund Stapelfort doth for himselfe his heyres Exrs & Admistrs doth
        hereby Covenant promise & Grant to & with the said Richard Roberts
        his heyres & Assignes That he the said Richard Roberts shall peace-
        ably Enjoy the above Bargained prmises And likewise that the said
        Raymond Stapelfort his heyres Execrs & Admistrs the said parcells of
        land & all other the before Bargained prmises unto him the said
        Richard Roberts his heyres & Assignes against all manner of persons
        whatsoever Clayming or to Clayme any part or parcell of the prmises
        hereby Granted shall & will forever Warrt & defend by these prsents,
        the Rents or services due to the Lord or Lords only Excepted And

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 131   View pdf image (33K)
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