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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 132   View pdf image (33K)
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                  132        Provincial Court Proceedings, 1675.

            Liber N N  further the said Raymond Stapelfort doth for himself e his heyres
                   Exrs & Admistts Covenant promise & Grant to & with the said
                   Richards Roberts his heyres & Assignes That he the said Raymond
                   Stapelfort shall & will from tyme to tyme & att all tymes hereafter
                   for & dureing the space of Seaven yeares att the request att the
                   proper Costs & Charges in the Law of the said Richard Roberts
                   his heyres or Assignes shall make doe Execute & suffer all & every
                   such further & other Act & Acts thing & things Device or Devices
                   Assureance or Assureances in the Law whatsoever either from him
                   the said Raymond or from any other person or persons whatsoever
                   requisite in the prmises for the more certaine Assureing & better
                   sure making the before Bargained prmises unto him the said Richard
                   Roberts his heyres & Assignes for ever be itt by Inrollmt of these
                   prsents by any other Conveyance Release or Assignemt from the
                   above menconed John Taylor & Henry Hooper their heyres or As-
                   signes or by any other lawfull wayes or meanes whatsoever And
                   lastly the said Raymond Stapelfort doth for himselfe his heyres
                   ExTs & Admistrs Covenant to & with the said Richard Roberts his
                   heyres & Assignes that he hath full power & an Absolute title in him
                   the said Raymond in ffee simple whereby to Convey the prmisses &
                   every part thereof to him the said Richard Roberts his heyres &
                   Assignes according as they are here Conveyed menconed or intended
                   to be Conveyed And further that he the said Richard Roberts his
                   heyres & Assignes shall peaceably & quietly have hold possess &
                   Enjoy the hereby Bargained prmises without the lett Suite trouble
                   molestacon or Interrupcon of any person or persons whatsoever In
                   Wittnes whereof we have hereunto sett our hands & Seales the day
                   & yeare above written               Raymd Stapelfort  (sealed)
                                  the marke of
                                        Elinor 8 Stapelfort (sealed)
                   Sealed & detd in the prsence of Tho: Bland
                    Geo:    Thompson James Veitch
             On the backside of the aforegoing Deed was written Vizt.
                               April 7th 1676
                    The within written Deed was in open Court by the within named
                   Raymond Stapelfort & Ellinor his wife Acknowledged to be their
                   Act & Deed to the uses therein menconed
                                          Jno Blomfeild Cl Cur Provincial

               p. 83   To all Christian People to whom these prsents Indented shall
                   come I John Halfehead Sonn & heyre of John Halfehead late of
                   Petuxent in the County of Calvert in the Province of Maryland &
                   Jane my wife send Greeting in our Lord God Everlasting Whereas
                   severall suites debts & differences have heretofore been raised moved
                   & had betweene the said John Halfehead the older & Joseph Edloe
                   of the same County Planter Sonn & heyre of Joseph Edloe Deceased

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Proceedings of the Provincial Court, 1675-1677
Volume 66, Page 132   View pdf image (33K)
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