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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 343   View pdf image (33K)
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The Lower House. 343

Way, such Allegation of the Creditor or Creditors aforesaid; and
if the same shall be determined by the said Court against such Pris-
oner, then the same Prisoner shall have no Aid or Benefit of this
Act, and Judgment shall pass against him or her for Costs; but if
the Determination of the Justices of the County Court on such
Allegation shall be against such Creditor or Creditors, then the
Prisoner or Prisoners aforesaid shall by the said Court be imme-
diately discharged, on his or her making, subscribing, and delivering,
in open Court, such Schedule and Duplicate as aforesaid, and there
taking such Oath or Affirmation as aforesaid; and all his or her
Estate shall thereupon be invested in the Sheriff, sold and disposed
of, and applied as if he or she had been discharged by the said three

Justices or any Two of them . And it shall and may be lawful, far

the said Justices of the County Court to ascertain and determine the
Quantum of the Damage, if any, that the Prisoner hath sustained,
by Reason of the false Allegation of such Creditor or Creditors, and
thereupon adjudge the same with Costs to the Prisoner, provided
such Damages and Costs shall not exceed the Penalty of such Bond."
Strike out the last enacting Clause of the tenth Sheet, and the three
first Lines in the Eleventh Sheet. Which Indorsement with the
Amendments were read and ordered to lie on the Table.
Benjamin Ogle Esq.r from the Upper House, delivers to M.r
Speaker the Bill, entitled, An Act, impowering Leonard Hollyday to
sell the Lands therein mentioned thus indorsed "By the Upper
House of Assembly April 1774 Read the first Time and
ordered to lie on the Table.
Signed by Order James Brooks, Cl. Up. Ho.

By the Upper House of Assembly April 1774. Read the second
Time and will not pass.
Signed by Order James Brooks, Cl. Up. Ho."

And the Bill, entitled, An Act empowering the Justices of Calvert
County, to levy on the taxable Persons of Christ Church Parish
in the said County, the Quantity of Tobacco therein mentioned,
for the Purpose of finishing and compleating their Parish Church,
thus indorsed; "By the Upper House of Assembly, April 14, 1774,
Read the first and second Time by an especial Order and will not pass.
Signed by Order James Brooks, Cl. Up. Ho."

The Bill, entitled, An Act for the Relief of the Poor in Talbot
County, was read the second Time by an especial Order and will pass.
M.r Bond Son of Thomas brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker
a Bill, entitled, An Act for suspending the Power of the Commission-
ers for building a Court House and Prison in Harford County
Which was read the first and second Time by an especial Order
and will pass

L. H. J.

Liber 54
Apr. 14

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 343   View pdf image (33K)
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