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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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344 Assembly Proceedings, March 23-April 19, 1774.

L. H. J.
Liber 54
Apr. 14

M.r Dallam brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker the following
Report By the Committee appointed to enquire into the Truth of the
ffacts set forth in the Pet.s of Samuel Litten
Your Committee in Consequence of the Order of the Honourable
House, have examined into the ffacts alleged in the said Petition,

and do find them true
Signed by Order G Duvall Cl.

Which was read; and the Petition of Samuel Litton was read
and referred till To Morrow Morning
The House adjourns till To Morrow Morning 9 O'Clock

Apr. 15
p. 369

Friday April 15:th 1774
The House met.

All Members present as on Yesterday except M.r Lloyd. The
Proceedings of Yesterday were read.
The Petition of Saint Paul's Parish in Queen Anne's and Talbot
Counties is referred till the second Thursday of next Session of
The Bill, entitled, An Act for the Relief of the Poor in Talbot
County; and the Bill, entitled, An Act for suspending the Power
of the Commissioners for building a Court House and Prison in
Harford County; were sent to the Upper House, with the ingrossed
Bills, N.o 10, 11, 12, and the Paper Bills thereof by M.r Chamberlaine
and M.r Bond of Saint Mary's.
The Bill, entitled, An Act empowering John Done, Sheriff of
Worcester County, to execute for the Public Levy, Deputy Com-
missary's and Attorneys Fees, was read the first and second Time
by an especial Order, passed, and sent to the Upper House by M.r
Purnell and M.r Love
The Bill, entitled, An Act confirming the Title of Lazarus
Pumphry to the Land therein mentioned, was read the first and
second Time by an especial Order and will pass
M.r Hammond brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker a Bill,
entitled, An Act to regulate the Payment of Attornies Fees. Which
was read the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table.
M.r Sim brings in and delivers to M.r Speaker a Bill, entitled,
An Act to unite the Free Schools of St. Mary's, Charles, and Prince
George's Counties. Which was read the first and second Time by
an especial Order and will pass.
The Bill, entitled, An Act for King William's School in An-
napolis, was read the second Time, passed, and sent to the Upper
House, with the Bill, entitled, An Act to unite the Free-Schools
of St Mary's, Charles, and Prince-George's Counties, and the Bill,
entitled, An Act confirming the Title of Lazarus Pumphrey to the
Land therein mentioned, by M.r Sim and Mr Hawkins.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, October 1773 to April 1774
Volume 64, Page 344   View pdf image (33K)
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