342 Assembly Proceedings, March 23-April 19, 1774.
L. H. J.
For the Negative
Liber 54
Apr. 14
J. Hall,
Bond Son Thomas.
The said Bill was then read throught and committed for Amend-
John Beale Bordley Esq.r from the Upper House delivers to M.r
Speaker the Bill, entitled, An Act for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors
thus indorsed "By the Upper House of Assembly April 8.th 1774
Read the first Time and ordered to lie on the Table
Signed by Order James Brooks, Cl: Up. Ho."
By the Upper House of Assembly April 14.th 1774 Read the second
Time and will pass with the Amendments hereunto annexed.
Signed by Order James Brooks, Cl. Up. Ho"
After the Words "Court House Door" in the third Line of the
fourth Sheet, add, "and other public Places." In the io.th Line of
the 4th Page strike out from the Word Judgments to the Beginning of
the 14.th Line in same Page, and insert the following Words, to wit,
"if any, or any claiming or who shall or may claim under them, who
have or shall have any Lien, by Assignment of such Judgment, or
otherwise, shall pay in or towards Satisfaction of the said Creditors,
according to the Order and Priority of their Judgments, or other
Lien thereon." In the 16.th Line of the same Sheet, after the Word
"Demands" add, "early Notice of such Design being previously given
by Advertisements set up at the most public Places of the County
where such Debtor resides, and likewise in the Maryland Gazette."
After the Word "aforesaid" in the i8.th Line of the same Page,
insert the following Proviso, Viz "Provided that no Judgment here-
after to be rendered against any Person applying to be discharged
p. 368
as aforesaid, nor any Process thereon, shall create any Lien on the
Lands, Goods, or Chattels of such Person, whereby the Creditor
obtaining such Judgment shall or may have any Priority in the Distri-
bution of the Money arising from the Sale of such Lands, Goods or
Chattels to be distributed as aforesaid." After the Word "Affirma-
tion" in the 2.d Line of the seventh Sheet, add, "and Transmission."
In the 13.th Line of the same Sheet after the Word "Descent," add,
"Gift, Devise, Bequest." After the Word "Discharge," in the 24.th
Line of the 8.th Sheet, add the Words, "and the same Allegation
being determined and adjudged against the said Obligor." Strike
out the whole of the ninth Sheet after the Word "farthest" in the
first Line, and insert the Words, "And the Justices of the County
Court aforesaid shall and may hear and determine, in a summary