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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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46 Assembly Proceedings, October 2-November 30, 1771.

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26

do adhere to the and propositions, we have no
hopes of bringing about the Passage of a Bill, allowed on all Hands
to be of great Importance to the Welfare and happiness of the
People. Therefore upon your Honours declaring your fixed Reso-
lution to adhere an End may be put to this Conference.
The Conferees Adjourn until to Morrow Morning n oClock

Thursday Morning 7th of November 1771.
The Conferees met according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday and M.r Hammond of the Lower House
The Conferees of the Upper House deliver to those of the Lower
House the following, together with the following Message from the

p. 577

What passed the last Session, not having been productive of any
Regulation, cant we presume, be binding on both Houses at this
Time, for if considered as mutually obligatory the Conference must
inevitably prove fruitless. We were willing the last Session that the
Alternative should be extended as well to the Clergy as the Officers
and Lawyers and had the Bill then depending happily passed both
Houses according to our Propositions, the Difficulty in respect of the
Clergy wou'd probably not have happen'd. Our Measures must be
adapted to our Circumstances, where we have no Power to Controul
These. The Consent of the two Houses cant but be ineffectual when
it meets with a Dissent from the other Branch of the Legislature.
We have already in general informed you we had received an As-
surance, that if the Alternative should be extended to the Clergy,
the Bill will finally Miscarry, and now for your particular Informa-
tion deliver to you a Copy of the Governors Message of the first
Unless this Difficulty can be Surmounted, a Consideration of other
Points would be attended with an unprofitable Expense of Time. As
you have Rejected Our first proposition, relative to the Clergy permit
us to remark, that if you should not incline to extend to them all
the Provisions of the late Act under which the Planter would be
entitled to Pay thirty per poll in Tobacco, and the Farmers and
others not making Tobacco, thirty Per poll in Money at the rate of
twelve Shillings and six pence common Money per Hundred Weight,
your adoption of the other Mode Viz.t that of leaving the Clergy
altogether out of the Bill, as far as the Planter may be concerned

p. 578

and including them as far as the farmer and others may be affected,
will not alter the Condition the Planter would be in, should the Bill
not pass and may secure the Farmers and others from the Oppression
they may, in some Instances, suffer if left to make a Composition
in Money.

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 46   View pdf image (33K)
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