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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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The Upper House. 47

If this Difficulty arising from the Claims of the Clergy can be
removed, we shall be willing to proceed on the other Matters, and
in Regard to the Fees of Officers, we must inform you, that it is
our unalterable Resolution not to admit of any further Reduction
than that very considerable one which must necessarily result from
the Election to be given to all Persons to pay in Money or Tobacco,
and that so far we do and shall absolutely adhere to the Old Regu-
lation but if any Abuses have really happened in the Charges, under
the Old Table, and an Explanation or Correction should appear to
be necessary for the prevention of such Abuses in future, we are
willing that the Old Table shall be explained and corrected with this
view, and as you have declared it to be your Intention to Explain and
Correct the Old Table, we cant but think that the Subject to be con-
sidered must properly be the Old Table, for the very Purpose of
discovering and determining wherein it is defective, and what Ex-
planation or Correction may be requisite.
Gentlemen of the Upper House of Assembly.

Understanding that a Conference is to take place between the two
Houses on the depending Inspection Bill, and recollecting what
passed at the last Session in respect of the Clergys dues, I think
myself Obliged to inform you, that if a similar Regulation to what
was then proposed should be Established, many Ministers, who now
have but a scanty provision, would be reduced to a State of much
Indigence and Distress, and that it will not be in my Power to

U. H. J.
Liber No. 36
Nov. 26

Assent to such a Regulation. I do not know whether this Intimation
may be Consistent with the usual manner of Proceeding or not,
but I hope you will think it agreeable to the Character of Candour
and justified by the Occasion, November 1771. Rob.t Eden.
The Conferees adjourn until to Morrow Morning 11 oClock

Friday Morning the of November 1771.
The Conferees met according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday.
The Conferees Adjourn until to Morrow Morning 11 oClock

Saturday Morning of November 1771.
The Conferees met according to Adjournment

Present as Yesterday
The Conferees Adjourn until Monday 4 oClock in the Afternoon.

P. 579

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1771 to June-July, 1773
Volume 63, Page 47   View pdf image (33K)
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